1.9 m130 Snapshot - Release Notes
this release will install as OpenOffice.org 1.9.130.
Sources can be received from cvs by tag SRC680_m130.
localized installation packs for es, fr, it, sv, de, nl, pt-BR, ja, ko, zh-CN, zh-TW are available on http://oootranslation.services.openoffice.org/pub/OpenOffice.org/680m130/ .
What's new ?
- Windows installation set are now provided as NSIS Installer.
- Additional download with integrated JRE installation is available for Windows English version
Integrated Child Workspaces
List of integrated child workspaces:hr18 | STLport has a nifty debug mode which is enabled by compiling OOo with _STLP_DEBUG defined and linking against the debug version of STLport. In debug mode we gain checking iterators, i.e it's checked that iterators are not invalid and inside the bounds of the container or if iterators belong to the same container if they are compared. Others goodies are checked index operators etc. This CWS contains; 1) fixes for compiling with _STLP_:DEBUG defined 2) fixes for all invalid STL usage found during smoke test | m128 |
ause034 | build[env] fixes again | m129 |
mhu10 | NFS4 problem | m130 |
oool10n20 | OOo 2.0 localisation | m128 |
swahilidict | Add Swahili spellchecker dictionary for OO 2.0 | m130 |
ooo19126 | Header Change from LGPL/SISSL to LGPL. | m129 |
ause038 | remove unused module "unzip" | m130 |
ooo19128 | Header Change from LGPL/SISSL to LGPL - New Files from Milestone m128 | m129 |
ivo12 | this cws removes a typo in the OOo readme registartion url | m129 |
$Id: 1.9.m130_snapshot.html,v 1.2 2006/07/05 11:09:47 st Exp $