1.9 m62 Snapshot
Release Notes
these notes contains changes between 680_m61 and 680_m62.this release will install as OpenOffice.org 1.9.62, it comes with ugly hacked splash screen to make clear, that this is not the final 2.0 build.
Sources can be received from cvs by tag SRC680_m62.
What's new ?
- if you miss some features in the list or the list is empty, it is possible that the feature-announcement is missing.- or the issue wasn't added to a CWS, have a look at the issue in EIS.
Feature title | TaskId | Spec. abstract | Spec. link | Component |
Khmer Cambodia km_KH locale data | i31975 | feature-info: CWS localedatafixes adds locale data for Khmer Cambodia (km_KH) |
speclink not set |
L10N |
Galician Spain (gl_ES) locale data | i32644 | feature-info: CWS localedatafixes adds locale data for Galician Spain (gl_ES). |
speclink not set |
L10N |
Lao Laos (lo_LA) locale data | i34226 | feature-info: CWS localedatafixes adds locale data for Lao Laos (lo_LA). |
speclink not set |
L10N |
Swahili Tanzania (sw_TZ) locale data | i34386 | feature-info: CWS localedatafixes adds locale data for Swahili Tanzania (sw_TZ). |
speclink not set |
L10N |
New default currency for Turkish Turkey (tr_TR) locale | i35434 | feature-info: Added YTL (currency symbol) and TRY (ISO 4217 code) and made it the default currency for Turkey. Turkey will introduce the new currecny on 2005-01-01 |
speclink not set |
L10N |
OOoBean | i21611 | |
speclink | api |
Embedded database | i33348 | The embedded database allows the user to create a database file which included not only queries, forms, and reports but also the data as well. | speclink | dba |
Reimplementation of Excel export formula compiler | i3724 | feature-info: The formula compiler in the Excel export filter has been reimplemented from scratch. Overview -- Where does Excel use formulas? - Simple formulas cells - Shared formula cells (a range of cells shares one formula) - Array formulas (a.k.a. matrix formulas) - Definition of defined names (a.k.a. named ranges) - Conditions of conditional formatting - Conditions of data validation - Source cell range in list validation - Print ranges, print title ranges - Source ranges of auto and advanced filters - Source area of charts - Linked cell of form controls - Source cell range of list form controls (listbox, combobox) Added/changed/improved behaviour: - Improved: Token class handling works in all cases now, no more unexpected #REF! or #VALUE! errors anymore - Improved: Full support of parentheses (formerly sometimes they have broken cell references) - Added: Export of space characters in the formula - Added: operator style OR and AND - Improved: Full support of operator precedence rules (range > intersection > list > unary plus/minus > percent > power > mult > add > string concat > comparison > AND > OR) - Improved: Only volatile functions (i.e. RANDOM, NOW) set the formula to be volatile (formerly all formulas were volatile, that caused Excel to recalc the entire doc after every change in a cell). Works also indirectly, i.e. if a cell uses a defined name that contains a volatile function - Added: Calc's NEG converted to unary minus sign - Improved: Respect Excel's restrictions better, i.e.: no 3D references in cond. formats, no 2D references in defined names - A lot more little improvements I cannot remember anymore. |
speclink not set |
sc |
ISO 8601 date/time input | i5328 | feature-info: The number formatter now recognizes input conforming to ISO 8601 as valid date/time input, regardless of the locale being selected. The following input formats are recognized: yyyy-mm-dd yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS Time zone specification like in yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MMZ is not handled, as so far it isn't specified what should happen with such values, applications don't store time zone information, and silently ignoring them and/or converting the time to local time or UTC isn't wanted. The number formatter's input recognition is used by the spreadsheet application for cell data input and the text processor's table input, for example. |
speclink not set |
util |
Ctrl + Up/Down accelerators added to move paragraphs | i26485 | feature-info: Now not only Ctrl+Alt+Key Up/Down move paragraph up/down but Ctrl + Key Up/Down do the same. |
speclink not set |
word processing |
List of Feature/Enhancement Tasks
ID | Comp | Summary |
20313 | Database | Q-PCD Database-11: Create an AutoPilot for common data sourc |
33348 | Database | Integrate HSQLDB into new database storage |
32434 | framewor | SaveAs dialog should display only .html as file extension fo |
34684 | gsl | Make selection timeout for unix clipboard configurable |
34765 | Installa | Make installation of Windows Explorer extensions controllabl |
31975 | l10n | Locale for Khmer (Cambodia) km-KH.xml |
34226 | l10n | Locale for Lao lo-LA.xml |
34630 | tools | testtool: ability to translate the GUI |
20747 | udk | Drop minor and micro from Unix shared libraries |
32854 | udk | wall: use correct union initializer for implbaseN.hxx static |
36418 | ui | New document images for menu and file dialog |
34411 | utilitie | PackageManager ought to migrate user packages from OOo 1.1 t |
Fixed Issues
Wed Nov 17 01:08:15 -0800 2004 | ||
ID | Comp | Summary |
31730 | *Testpro | Changing of "changes -> show" on and off deletes text |
36143 | api | API: dbaccess.ODatasourceBrowser::com::sun::star::lang::XCom |
36537 | api | API: dbaccess.TableWindowAccessibility |
32542 | Chart | FillBitmaps are no longer loaded since Oasis changes in xmlo |
34840 | Chart | Cannot select toolbar in view menu of chart |
29978 | Database | Crash by using native query in labels dialog |
36066 | Database | Duplicate command entry in DbuCommands.xcu |
34274 | Database | Biblio DB: Ugly lack of transparency of control labels |
36114 | document | Context help in menu entries does not work |
25173 | Drawing | in the xml format the value for the attributes draw:auto-gro |
33205 | Drawing | Crash when loading bugdoc in sda format |
34740 | Drawing | Preview in format/line/line styles does not work anymore |
34831 | Drawing | LineJoint miter can lead to problems with bounding box |
34453 | framewor | Crash during early Office startup |
35211 | framewor | Is it ok that import filter cashes pointer to the medium str |
35887 | framewor | Save as Encoded text is not working (saves as plain) |
36265 | framewor | crash by reopening the PackageManagerGUI |
34161 | framewor | crash when accessing report wizard in srx645m47 unxsoli4.pro |
22302 | framewor | Preview in File/New/Templates and documents can lock |
35288 | framewor | Copy INetURLObject IPv6 fixes SRX645 -> SRC680 |
31457 | framewor | about box: wrong characters for (c) and other special charac |
32682 | framewor | GTK crashes when deleting inserted applet |
33697 | framewor | special characters in about dialog are broken |
35448 | framewor | No toolbar in Writer/Web |
32677 | framewor | ooow. namespace in front of formulas if chart is in document |
32934 | framewor | Misleading error when saving as doc.book |
33040 | framewor | Java selection not remembered when glyph s in path |
33735 | framewor | SO8 cannot correctly save events in Dialogs in document in S |
34109 | framewor | "New theme" button in gallery has wrong look |
34260 | framewor | New filetypes shown incorrect in own file-open dialog |
34555 | framewor | Files of type list is empty in Package Manager |
34741 | framewor | Change extension for Oasis Chart filter |
35020 | framewor | tools/workben/urltest.cxx regression |
35426 | framewor | compiler warnings in svx and sfx headers |
36261 | framewor | Switching between read-only and read-write mode does not wor |
36674 | framewor | Office freezes in 'tools options java' |
36346 | framewor | TDOC-UCP: media type for empty folders gets lost on save |
36428 | framewor | TDOC-UCP: write action does not set document's modified stat |
36554 | framewor | Problems with css.frame.GlobalEventBroadcaster |
36606 | framewor | css.frame.GlobalEventBroadcaster does not send 'OnUnload' |
11190 | framewor | Removal of SO5 binary filters |
35194 | framewor | PackageManager refuses to remove corrupt .uno.pkg bundle pac |
26224 | framewor | Win filename with drive but no path: not saved, no message. |
33003 | gsl | Changing the font for an Arabic text would hang ooo with som |
33265 | gsl | Reversed parethesis when exporting Hebrew documents with Typ |
35073 | gsl | ja/ko input broken for GTK IM modules that don't swallow key |
33832 | gsl | Build with .NET 2003 Toolkit needs comsupp.lib in sysui |
34586 | gsl | Text formatting does not match painting |
34828 | gsl | additional protection against deletion of GtkIMContext |
34880 | gsl | Fix some IM issues with gtk plugin |
35430 | gsl | Compilation of KDE vclplug is not possible |
35560 | gsl | alpha artwork in dialogs ... |
35333 | gsl | gtk menu colors etc. |
36550 | gsl | Build without java breaks at javachild.cxx |
27231 | gsl | Different symbols depending on font replacement |
30824 | gsl | Chinese TrueType Fonts display problem |
34799 | gsl | No printer generation with spadmin |
35057 | gsl | support for sndfile and portaudio in vcl for all unix platfo |
31977 | Installa | fontinstaller and dictinstaller don't work anymore |
34294 | Installa | ooofilt.dll cannot be registered within native installer |
34329 | Installa | shlxthdl.dll failing to register |
34064 | Installa | rpm language packs conflict in psprint.conf |
36767 | Installa | update third party license file |
31920 | l10n | he_IL specifies wrong 100sec separator |
31924 | l10n | ko_KR month names for "MMM" and "MMMM" |
32248 | l10n | Updated locale data for Bosnian (bs_BA) |
34386 | l10n | Swahili Tanzania sw_TZ locale data |
32647 | l10n | Basque patches for i18npool module |
35434 | l10n | New currency for Turkey: New Turkish Lira |
36338 | l10n | Adjust locale.dtd to adapt to reality |
30568 | l10n | South African locale number format uses comma instead of per |
32644 | l10n | Galician locale |
31931 | l10n | zh_* use equal month names for "MMM" and "MMMM" |
29345 | l10n | Wrong Start Day Of Week for Russian OOo |
33045 | porting | some patches to build OOo without java |
26608 | Presenta | Header/Footer are visible as wrong objects in so60/so70 |
33142 | Presenta | transparency gradients not correctly saved in new format |
34504 | Presenta | Fullscreen presentation only uses part of the window |
34159 | Presenta | Calc ole needs refresh after inserting or changing. |
34426 | Presenta | Sounds cannot be inserted from gallery anymore |
34996 | Presenta | 3D favourites do not work |
35290 | Presenta | cannot Insert|File presentation into another presentation |
35437 | Presenta | No text next to radiobuttons in insert - frame |
25653 | Spreadsh | OpenOffice conditional formatting does not work in Excel |
5328 | Spreadsh | Input in ISO date format e.g. 2001-05-24 is not recognized a |
3724 | Spreadsh | Xcl Exp: Formulas with parentheses |
35764 | Spreadsh | Fontcolour is not shown |
25994 | Spreadsh | Date Entry of MM-YY assumes MM-(TODAYS DATE)-YYYY Entry |
30844 | Spreadsh | calc, french date, format, abbreviation of months |
33804 | Spreadsh | paragraph properties are stored as table cell properties |
35431 | Spreadsh | Crash if Cellcursor is placed in a row greater 32000, saved |
36017 | Spreadsh | Crash on pasting HTML Data |
36049 | Spreadsh | Calc crashes when deleting cells |
32669 | Spreadsh | Notes loses position while switching to RTL canvas |
33636 | Spreadsh | Text in notes could not be set to vertical (asian writing) |
34277 | Spreadsh | Right-click menu works first time, but not second time |
24504 | Spreadsh | compatibility bug xls datecel excel and openoffice |
26611 | Spreadsh | Problem with notes in multiline cells |
26955 | Spreadsh | Combined cells of matrix formula split after XML file was lo |
27594 | Spreadsh | Wrong cell border color after XML Save/Reload |
20650 | Spreadsh | Incorrect Timeformat when over 24hours, when importing XLS |
27696 | Spreadsh | Date recognition unreliable/faulty |
34395 | Spreadsh | Swedish (Sweden) TIME format is wrong (NOT a duplicate of 12 |
34399 | Spreadsh | Swedish (Sweden) long DATE pre-defined formats incorrect. |
28820 | Spreadsh | Incorrect rounding of display values in mixed date/time cell |
30845 | Spreadsh | calc, french date, format, modify date J. MMM. AAAA -> J. MM |
36413 | tools | instsetoo_native build fails with W32-tcsh |
36548 | tools | scp2: missing cp_canvas dependency |
36549 | tools | duplicate target name wz_formwiz |
29991 | tools | soltools fails to build with header/type errors (680) |
31658 | tools | Repeated build in wizards fail |
33422 | tools | Native installer does not build on unxlngi4.pro |
35639 | tools | build failure in helpcontent2 without Java |
35096 | tools | Fading In/Out of Navigator does not work |
35984 | tools | guw.pl fails with -<foo>:<path> switches |
36028 | tools | Hardcoded path seperator in target.mk breaks testtools |
36561 | tools | configure needs to check for epm |
36566 | tools | Javaless build breaks in connectivity/source/commontools/Com |
23779 | tools | Patch to use system libs (berkeleydb, curl, freetype, nas, m |
15816 | tools | The dmake program does not cleanly end tempfiles with a line |
28691 | tools | conditionally do not build msfontextract project |
36106 | tools | remove solenv/inc/mozilla.mk |
33615 | ucb | OOo's HTTP/WebDAV implementation does not support IPv6 |
36025 | ucb | TDOC-UCP must use final Storage API |
35982 | udk | W32-tcsh: Build of testtools fails |
29390 | udk | The Java framewok (jvmfwk) should be usable in all udk appli |
33217 | udk | Fix @since tags in C/C++ and Java documentation |
34673 | udk | gcc3 C++ UNO bridges broken for gcc 3.4 |
35536 | udk | Provide file URLs to Java packages without vnd.sun.star.expa |
34239 | udk | Java Remote UNO: Reading byte sequences is very slow |
35989 | udk | For OOo 2.0, change UDK version from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 |
36551 | udk | bridges/test/java_uno/equals broken |
34388 | udk | No JREs displayed when j2re1.4.2_06-ea is installed |
29255 | ui | Q-PCD EaseOfUse-57 separate OOo modules: Options: wrong orde |
30029 | ui | Document background does not respect high contrast themes |
34495 | ui | Toolbar button is focused when clicking in document (src680) |
34778 | ui | No Help-IDs in Media Player |
28962 | ui | cutted entries in printer resolution listbox |
36021 | utilitie | Duplicated strings / string ids in the configuration |
34933 | utilitie | testtool: can't close window 'stylist' with commmand resetAp |
32313 | utilitie | don't load library sts without calling soffice -enableautoma |
32143 | utilitie | ERROR: Template 'LabelType' referenced from node '/BasicIDEC |
34149 | utilitie | PackageManager cannot install packages with % or $ in name. |
34314 | utilitie | OOo thumbnail viwer for Windows missing support for signed d |
34409 | utilitie | PackageManager UI/pkgchk/unopkg does not ignore errors in le |
34764 | utilitie | Wrong return string when recovering toolbars |
35258 | utilitie | icu/convert.sh not executable. |
35365 | utilitie | Current document looses focus |
33238 | utilitie | Parallel build breaks in officecfg |
33982 | utilitie | Script/Dialog libraries unrecognized when in package bundle |
30838 | Word pro | Crash when saving a sxw file |
32780 | Word pro | oasis: column wrong formatted. endnote not in section, to ma |
32781 | Word pro | Insert->File of document in OOo file format always inserts a |
32836 | Word pro | Assertion when opening bug doc |
29955 | Word pro | WW8: Import: 680m51 looping doc file; problem formatting fra |
33629 | Word pro | MS Word Import: 1.9.51 freezer |
33751 | Word pro | MS Word Import: 1.9.51 evernescence / Loop in Layout |
33932 | Word pro | Clone: Crash on attempt to change hyperlink for image |
34337 | Word pro | picture's caption lead to crash |
34288 | Word pro | Crash during enhanced table selection |
34336 | Word pro | Biblio DB -> no database ->crash on "column arrangement" |
34464 | Word pro | Crash when inserting a text frame |
21010 | Word pro | Crash during undo |
33455 | Word pro | [Edit]->[Change]->[Show] produce wrong numbering output. |
31771 | Word pro | insert file into frame looses position of formulas |
10618 | Word pro | Crash on paging down to second page |
27320 | Word pro | binfilter: backgroundgraphics not loaded |
28795 | Word pro | Incorrect display of Khmer Language while Typing |
28977 | Word pro | Slot SID_ATTR_BORDER is used in a wrong way |
32844 | Word pro | oasis: scrolling in this file cause errors |
30316 | Word pro | Tet input / Del key in numbering label should delete it |
32007 | Word pro | Border controller for frames does not need all border varian |
32948 | Word pro | Wrong strings in undo history when deleting table rows or co |
32790 | Word pro | oasis: option strikethrough not recognized |
32835 | Word pro | oasis: textanimation does not work |
32840 | Word pro | oasis: errormessage while file opening |
33305 | Word pro | WW8: image inside a frame is lost |
32951 | Word pro | Insert-> Horizontal Ruler shrinks the size of inserted .gif |
33488 | Word pro | Find&Replace: strings not stripped in the undo hisrtory |
33701 | Word pro | Main fields, chosen from icon selector, don't insert directl |
33394 | Word pro | Merge cells will crash when only one cell is selected |
33959 | Word pro | Remove old Writer wizards |
34489 | Word pro | Missing Help-ID's for Navigation Toolbox |
34578 | Word pro | Tons of input events on linux/gtk |
34730 | Word pro | table cell doesn't break correctly |
34932 | Word pro | hdftctrl.(h/c)xx have to be removed |
36465 | Word pro | crash when undo on deleting table column via keyboard |
32913 | Word pro | Writer Web doesn't handle horizontal scrollbar correctly |
25798 | Word pro | insert file looses position of formulas |
26485 | Word pro | Ctrl-Alt-Arrow on Linux for changing paragraphs |
25174 | Word pro | autocorrect loosing formatting ... |
30452 | Word pro | Undo of deletion of a frame containing an object anchored to |
33330 | Word pro | Writer hangs on opening native (sxw) format document |
34343 | Word pro | Insert formula after autocomplete causes crash |
34471 | Word pro | tables to text |
33073 | Word pro | Using another than the integrated bibliography DB keeps the |
31914 | Word pro | Insert/Table dialog: control for table name does not have ac |
34486 | Word pro | Graphic link inside table behavior change |
22747 | xml | XML filter adaptors and macros |
30706 | xml | grid control column styles aren't loaded correctly |
35375 | xml | RNG (Calc;content.xml): attribute "automatic-print-range" no |
35377 | xml | RNG (calc, styles.xml): attribute "tab-stop-distance" from n |
35380 | xml | RNG (calc): Wrong implementation for "repeat-content" value |
35417 | xml | RNG (calc;content.xml): "notify-on-update-of-ranges" should |
35421 | xml | RNG (chart;content.xml): bad value for attribute "legend-pos |
35425 | xml | RNG (impress;content.xml): "footer-visible" should be "displ |
36481 | xml | DTD error: element 'form:datasource' is undefined in form.mo |
36487 | xml | DUPLICATE attribute 'fo:border' detected |
32616 | xml | Script event bindings are not stored in a document |
34042 | xml | unnecessary internal namespace declarations for embedded OOo |
36340 | xml | Changes to xmlhelp to speed up building helpcontent2 |
32922 | xml | DTD includes wrong definition "style:family" in "number:numb |
Integrated Child Workspaces
List of integrated child workspaces:localedatafixes | Locale data fixes
only. |
numforensis | Number formatter related fixes for OOo2.0 |
beansplit | The code of the OOoBean itself (from SDK example) |
nojava1 | fix breakage when building without a JDK. The fix |
hsqldb | HSQLDB integration as embedded database in own fil |
fontlists04 | More font
management related changes Oct 22nd, |
oasisbf1 | bug fixes for OASIS Open Office and OpenOffice.org |
xmlbasic | Import/Export of Basic macros (FlatXML + Binfilter |
os37 | Bugfixes for OOo 2.0 |
jl13 | bugfixes, mainly Java related |
swqbugfixes08 | cws for Writer bugfixes |
os38 | Bugfixing OOo 2.0 |
vcl28 | Still more bugs on our way to 2.0; set back target |
dr27 | new formula compiler for Excel export |
gh8 | several bugfixes for TestTool |
sysui02 | Build issues with .NET compiler, fixes for potenti |
calc24 | Calc bugfixes |
schoasis01 | Bugfixes for OASIS file format in chart |
vq04 | Fix W32-tcsh build issues |
scp2fix | Calc P2 fixes. |
configure3 | Minor additions/fixes to configure.in wrt system l |
tdoc3 | TDOC-UCP: Adaption to final storage API |
mh1960 | Reintegration of OOoDict installer and OOoFont ins |
hr9 | convince xmlhelp to remove temporary files |
sb22 | renaming UNO base libraries on Unix; plus minor fi |
jmf3 | Media framework related tasks |
desktintgr03 | Bugfixes Windows shell extensions |
aw019 | BinFilter removal
and some BugFixing AW: Since |
ipv6ooo2 | IPv6 support for HTTP/WebDAV |
dr28 | Remove double SIDs from svx and sfx headers (causi |
sal08 | Introduce new API osl_getFileSystemEncoding/osl_se |
iculecrash | Fix ICU related layout issues. |
hr8 | Speed up the compiling of helcontent2 |
pj10 | Build fixes fro SRC680_m60 |
sab012 | cws which contains the merges of sab010 and sab009 |
accessbugs01 | Bug fixes for Accessibility |
qadev19 | implementation details for qadev |
ivo05 | translation /
build environment related fixes. |
iha03 | GUI Fixes around writer and global ui |
hroqfix01 | Different small fixes in base libraries |
Unconfirmed issues reported since m40
ID | Comp | Vers | Votes | Summary |
35085 | Chart | 680m56 | 4 | Chart axis labels wrap to next line instead of pushing chart |
31742 | Chart | 680m47 | 4 | Chart data labels should be vertical |
36830 | Chart | 680m60 | 0 | chart created at wrong position |
34890 | Database | 680m54 | 0 | OOo cannot create auto-increment fileds with hsqldb |
36211 | Database | 680m56 | 0 | use wizard to create form |
36212 | Database | 680m56 | 0 | create form in design view does not work |
36279 | Database | 680m58 | 0 | package mdb-sdbc fails to install |
36758 | Database | 680m58 | 0 | Form wizard error after create click |
36869 | Database | 680m58 | 0 | Merging blank fields from spreadsheet data source gives 1/1/ |
35835 | Drawing | 680m56 | 1 | Pixels should be a measurement unit |
33561 | Drawing | 680m49 | 0 | Additional white pixels in exported pixel grafic |
35220 | Drawing | 680m52 | 0 | Drawing Lines Function hasn't antialias processing but MS Of |
36388 | Drawing | 680m58 | 0 | Plugin or automatic funktions for organigramms |
37261 | Drawing | 680m58 | 0 | Compatability Issues Between Old and New Drawing Tools |
34183 | Formula | 680m51 | 1 | Intuitive UI (input) |
36998 | Formula | 680m60 | 0 | OO doesn't convert MathType formulae |
31991 | framewor | 680m47 | 3 | Athlon 64 slow startup |
32493 | framewor | 680m49 | 2 | You cannot select multiple images |
35224 | framewor | 680m54 | 2 | re-establish "Load URL" |
36376 | framewor | 680m58 | 2 | Default font for fontwork is always "Arial Black" |
33035 | framewor | 680m49 | 1 | Displaying paths as URLs in dialogs |
31623 | framewor | 680m47 | 0 | provide a context menu in empty space of the menubar to show |
31624 | framewor | 680m47 | 0 | Toolbars - Customize dialog has no option to show/hide toolb |
31625 | framewor | 680m47 | 0 | Zoom - value not remembered individually for different docum |
31927 | framewor | 680m47 | 0 | No activity report during long lasting operations |
32701 | framewor | 680m49 | 0 | Export to PDF of Selected Graphic is wrong |
33717 | framewor | 680m51 | 0 | Toolbar, dock option is not necessary. The magnetic borders |
33830 | framewor | 680m51 | 0 | Make magnetic borders and toolbar dock more efficients |
33831 | framewor | 680m51 | 0 | After using toolbar dock option, the toolbar should blink fo |
33850 | framewor | 680m52 | 0 | Toolbar customisation more difficult than in 1.1.x! |
34299 | framewor | 680m54 | 0 | Del a site out of a document |
35225 | framewor | 680m54 | 0 | "Apply Style" in toolbar has fixed width |
35495 | framewor | 680m56 | 0 | Tools > Bibliography database not removed even after deletin |
35504 | framewor | 680m56 | 0 | Show/hide toolbars during navigation of document creates a v |
36302 | framewor | 680m58 | 0 | Inactive items in toolbar context menu can't be hidden |
36578 | framewor | 680m58 | 0 | File Open dialog flashing |
36634 | framewor | 680m58 | 0 | General input/output error opening file on NFS mount |
37128 | framewor | 680m60 | 0 | PDF widget button action should match OOo action |
37198 | framewor | 680m60 | 0 | Documents won't open when OO not already launched |
37214 | framewor | 680m60 | 0 | Mozilla Plug-In can not works in Windows in SRC680_m60 |
29957 | framewor | 680m41 | 0 | Event textboxes are not editable. |
31231 | framewor | 680m45 | 0 | Tools->Options->OpenOffice.org->Print Usability Problems |
36689 | framewor | 680m58 | 0 | impress covers calc unexpectedly |
33892 | framewor | 680m51 | 0 | Add a typography checker |
34455 | gsl | 680m49 | 0 | Formfields without frames are "invisible" |
35819 | Installa | 680m56 | 0 | OOo copies Icons in the wrong folder under SuSE (8.2) and gn |
37104 | Installa | 680m58 | 0 | Program crashes if started via a symlink |
35811 | porting | 680m57 | 0 | Solarisgccport: stlport namespace patch |
35814 | porting | 680m57 | 0 | Solarisgccport: nas HasSunC fix |
35816 | porting | 680m57 | 0 | Solarisgccport: tools add new system definitions patch |
35818 | porting | 680m57 | 0 | Solarisgccport: cpp uno files for Solaris gcc x86 |
32263 | Presenta | 680m47 | 1 | Can't undo slide deletion |
32262 | Presenta | 680m47 | 0 | Keyboard Commands During Presentations |
34202 | Presenta | 680m51 | 0 | Change font size using "+/- n" |
34548 | Presenta | 680m51 | 0 | On import of Hebrew presentation the line width changes |
34845 | Presenta | 680m54 | 0 | PPT: OLE objects which provide WMF data should be displayed |
35525 | Presenta | 680m56 | 0 | Ctrl + Home should go to the first slide |
32264 | Presenta | 680m47 | 0 | Slide Removal Leads to Incorrect Outline View |
34848 | Spreadsh | 680m51 | 0 | Excel spreadsheet with broken automatic links does not rende |
36705 | Spreadsh | 680m58 | 0 | Slow scrolling on spreadsheet with controls |
34647 | tools | 680m54 | 0 | Win 32 Build Fail in instsetoo |
31499 | ui | 680m47 | 4 | Menus need to be updated |
31598 | ui | 680m48 | 2 | And a custom color to the color picker |
35472 | ui | 680m56 | 2 | Toolbar gradients need disable option |
30997 | ui | 680m45 | 0 | horizontal scroller position |
31505 | ui | 680m45 | 0 | Send by Fax: Bad Discoverability |
34372 | ui | 680m47 | 0 | Incorrect mousover when toolbar is in focus |
33392 | ui | 680m49 | 0 | Options -> Colors needs buttons to load a color palette |
37201 | ui | 680m60 | 0 | File > Recent Documents should be deletable |
33682 | Word pro | 680m51 | 2 | Powerful UI of Envelope auto-create based on database is nee |
36688 | Word pro | 680m58 | 0 | dragging the border of inserted table hangs oo.org |
32545 | Word pro | 680m47 | 0 | Inserted text interpret as deleted text in .doc file |
33668 | Word pro | 680m51 | 0 | Mouse right-click on a toolbar to customize it |
33810 | Word pro | 680m51 | 0 | Select wrong left and right table columns when resize them |
36071 | Word pro | 680m54 | 0 | using a macro to export to word reduces height of elements |
36171 | Word pro | 680m55 | 0 | *.doc'S Properties lead to crash |
36733 | Word pro | 680m56 | 0 | OOo 2.0 opens a 1.1.x document with wrong fonts |
36311 | Word pro | 680m58 | 0 | No name for toolbars |
36883 | Word pro | 680m58 | 0 | Several differences after import |
36745 | Word pro | 680m60 | 0 | Mail Merged file counts every page as 2 pages |
36806 | Word pro | 680m60 | 0 | Unknown Help ID 541249030 |
37050 | Word pro | 680m60 | 0 | The titles of the fields are going darkening. |