2.0 m150 Snapshot - Release Notes
these notes contains changes between 680_m146 and 680_m150.
this release will install as OOo-Dev2.0.
Sources can be received from cvs by tag SRC680_m150.
What's new ?
Feature title | TaskId | Spec. abstract | Spec. link | Component |
Tsonga (ts_ZA) locale data | i53257 |
feature-info: Tsonga in South Africa (ts_ZA) locale data available. |
L10N |
Moore in language listbox | i53628 |
feature-info: "Moore", spoken in Burkina Faso, is available in the language listbox. |
L10N |
Bambara in language listbox | i53741 |
feature-info: Bambara, spoken in Mali, is available in the language listbox for font attribution and spell-checking purposes (ba_ML). |
L10N |
Breton (br_FR) locale data | i54501 |
feature-info: Breton (br_FR) locale data is implemented. |
L10N |
Luxembourgish (lb_LU) language listbox entry | i54818 |
feature-info: Luxembourgish is available in the language listbox for font attribution and spell-checking purposes. |
L10N |
English_India (en_IN) language listbox entry and locale data | i54853 |
feature-info: English (India) is available in the language listbox for font attribution and spell-checking purposes. Locale data based on en_GB merged with INR Rupee currency is also implemented. This to support English language documents widely used in India. |
L10N |
Akan (ak_GH) language listbox entry | i55146 |
feature-info: Akan, spoken in Ghana, is available in the language listbox for font attribution and spell-checking purposes. |
L10N |
Ndebele (nr_ZA) locale data | i57290 |
feature-info: Ndebele (nr_ZA) locale data is implemented. |
L10N |
Venda (ve_ZA) locale data | i57311 |
feature-info: Venda in South Africa (ve_ZA) locale data is implemented. |
L10N |
Friulian (fur_IT) language listbox entry | i58386 |
feature-info: Friulian, spoken in Italy, is available in the language listbox for font attribution and spell-checking purposes. |
L10N |
Suppress printing/PDF export of blank pages | internal |
speclink | word processing | |
Numbering related entries in the context menu | i42356 | speclink | word processing | |
MailMerge wizard: e-Mail related controls now hidden if unsupported | i51949 |
feature-info: In OOo 2.01 those controls of the mail merge wizard that are necessary to configure mail merge to e-Mail are hidden if the e-Mail service is not available. That means that the second page "Select document type" is dropped and that on the last page the "Send merged document as E-Mail" button is hidden. |
speclink |
word processing |
Integrated Child Workspaces
List of integrated child workspaces:memory02 | Memory Leaks and Errors | m150 |
impresspresobjs | refactoring of the presentation object handling in impress to prevent possible crashes | m150 |
mtg1 | Child workspace to analyse the problems with C++ destructors blocking the JVM's finalizer thread, causing the JVM to throw a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError. | m150 |
sb41 | One specific change to the OOo code (getCppuType) to be able to compile with GCC 4.1; other changes in CWS gcc41. | m150 |
epspreview | when an eps is inserted into writer without a preview image attempt to use possibly installed system tools to generate one | m150 |
configure13 | configure fixes | m150 |
hr27 | Fix small CWS tooling issues, better error reporting, more cwsquery modes. | m150 |
dicfont202 | Update FontOOo and DicOOo wizards. | m150 |
native37 | OOo-Dev installation tasks | m150 |
iconswitching1 | Implementation of icon switching in OOo | m149 |
os67 | Added features for OOo 2.02 | m149 |
hunspell | Replace Myspell with Hunspell. Hunspell is an improved MySpell with Unicode and agglutinative language support and fixed ngram suggestion. License: GNU LGPL. (http://hunspell.sourceforge.net) | m149 |
ivo13 | l10n related fixes | m149 |
locales202 | New locale data and language lisbox entries for OOo2.0.2 | m149 |
dba202c | ongoing DBA bug fixing towards 2.0.2 | m149 |
os72 | Bugfixing OOo 2.0.2 | m149 |
sb44 | URE-related fixes | m149 |
native34 | PP2 installation changes | m149 |
hr26 | CWS for the first shot in optimizing the building of helpcontent2 | m149 |
vq25 | Build issues | m149 |
tbe26 | fix for Basic IDE crash | m149 |
pj46 | Update Bulgarian extras | m149 |
native35 | Problematic PP2 installation issues | m149 |
dbwizardpp1 | PP2 bugfixes for FormWizard, ReportWizard, TableWizard and QueryWizard. | m148 |
sb37 | allow basline compatible (solaris 8 + patches) builds on solaris 10 machines. | m148 |
gslperform01 | performance optimizations in gsl | m148 |
pj43 | Child workspace for small 64bit fixes and support for BlackDown Java on AMD64. | m148 |
jsc2 | used for several OOo2.0.2 fixes | m148 |
kaddrbook | implementing KAddressBook access | m147 |
nativefixer21 | Optimizing packaging process | m147 |
unxlngs04 | patches specifically for building GNU/linux sparc including build bridges with gcc4 and making rpm installation | m147 |
dba202a | misc DBA bugfixing towards 2.0.2 | m147 |
cmcfixes21 | minor tweaks to external modules to enable building with system equivalents or add ORIGIN if not | m147 |
vq24 | Build fixes | m147 |
fwk27 | Stack trace fixes with UI changes for PP2. | m147 |
mtg2 | This CWS contains fixes for issues #i55624#, #i58436# and #i58438#. It also fixes memory leaks in both the 'aBkmArr' and 'aRedArr', whereby if bug #i55624# or #i58436# occured, none of the objects in aBkmArr or aRedArr would be deleted. This has been fixed by using boost's shared_ptr implementation so that when their container objects go out of scope, the pointers will automatically be deleted. This install set is uploaded here: http://ooomisc.services.openoffice.org/pub/OpenOffice.org/cws/upload/SRC680_mtg2.exe A new install set is ready, which was compiled with '--enable-binfilter' here: http://ooomisc.services.openoffice.org/pub/OpenOffice.org/cws/upload/mtg2-with-sdw-filter.exe | m147 |
pj44 | Update extras for Danish, Hungarian and Turkish. Re-integrate Dutch spell checking dictionaries. | m147 |
hr24 | Changes for building with Sun Studio 11. Contains only two changes for stlport, has no influence on PP2 at all. | m147 |
pj45 | Trivial cleaning changes for 2.0.2 | m147 |
emptypage | cws for b6354161: Omit empty pages during pdf export/printing | m147 |
rt14 | One minor fix for deliver.pl to get 'stat' operations work as expected in cygwin environment (issue 59477). | m147 |