2.0 m158 Snapshot - Release Notes
These notes contains changes between 680_m156 and 680_m158.
This release will install as OOo-Dev2.0.
Sources can be received from cvs by tag SRC680_m158.
What's new ?
Feature title | TaskId | Spec. title | Spec. abstract | Dev. owner | Spec. link | Component |
non-pro: OSL assertions now appearing the same way as TOOLS-assertions | i52747 |
feature-info: For quite some time now, OOo has two different diagnostics systems: OSL-based and TOOLS-based assertions. It's up to the developer of some piece of code which ones s/he uses. Failed TOOLS assertions usually are reported in a modal message box, but can be re-routed to other channels in the "VCL Debug Options" dialog (opened by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Shift-D). This dialog also offers some more options how to handle those assertions, for instance filtering. Failed OSL assertions are reported in a modal message box on Windows, and on the console on Linux. They cannot be re-routed or filtered at all, only globally disabled. Once the CWS gslpatches07 is integrated, OSL assertions can be captured by the TOOLS-based system, too. That is, OSL assertions then behave exactly the same way as TOOLS-based assertions. This behaviour can be switched off in the VCL Debug Options dialog, which contains a new check box labeled "Reroute osl debug messages", and is ON by default. All of the above of course only applies to non-product builds of OpenOffice.org. |
framework | ||
non-pro: dbgsv.ini now human-readable | i52821 |
feature-info: The "dbgsv.ini" file, which stores the debugging options of non-product builds (i.e. the settings made in the "VCL Debug Options" dialog), has formerly been stored in some binary format (basically, a memory dump of some internal structures). With the integration of CWS gslpatches07, this file is a human-readable INI file. |
framework | ||
Removed Tools->Options->View: restore "Editing view" | i53104 | thorsten.behrens@sun.com | speclink | ui |
Integrated Child Workspaces
List of integrated child workspaces:hr17 | Fixes two STLport issues which require complete rebuilds for testing. Installation sets contains new libstdc++-so.5 see issue 123963 | m158 |
gslpatches07 | miscellaneous changes related to debug options (affects non-produduct builds only) | m158 |
sixtyfour01 | Child workspace for smaller approved 64bit fixes (e.g. fixes that are extracted from ooo64bit02, or new ones). | m158 |
hr30 | Clean up a workaround for gcc3 in binfilter and sw | m158 |
obo04 | Merge cwsanalyze.pl. No impact on office suite. | m158 |
native38 | Fixing intro bmp for OOo and OOo Dev | m158 |
jw1 | Implementation for GNU JRE VendorBase::compareVersions must be overridden in derived class | m158 |
evo2fixes | Fix a ton of bugs in the evo. 2.0 connectivitiy / database driver. Now works with recent evolution versions, and 2.5/2.6 - fixes a number of bugs. The core code / evo2.0 is not shipped by Sun so it'd be great to get it in ASAP. There are a number of changes to common / shared GUI code, but these are not that substantial. | m158 |
killablesoffice | Fix #i62312# | m158 |
impress88 | showstopper fix for impress | m158 |
docprop_SRC680 | problem in document variable import. showstopper 2.0.2. | m158 |
fwk35 | Showstopper PP2 | m158 |
sfxviewfix_SRC680 | Possible showstoppers for 2.0.2 | m158 |
ause050_SRC680 | avoid useless repacking of various images*.zip | m158 |
pngmagic_SRC680 | crash fixes for target OOo 2.0.2 | m158 |
formkeyconfig | fixing issue 62548 | m158 |
mh20137 | last minute fixes for 2.0.2 | m157 |
rtfpp2 | This CWS contains some issues reported by the same submitter so they where kept together. There are some API enhancements and some bug fixes. | m157 |
c09v001 | Implement Component / Extension example for c09 | m157 |
nfslockproblem | nfslockproblem i54586 | m157 |
hcpatch | setting PATCH flags to all relevant SO Help files to get Windows and Solaris versions in sync with Linux versions. for PP2. | m157 |
thbpp2 | Stacktraces & other small OOo 2.0.2 fixes (slideshow/graphics related) | m157 |
iconswitching2 | Smaller fixes/features after integration of iconswitching1, like Crystal theme (KDE default), resizing of the toolbars according to the size of the icons in the theme, parallel build fix of the HiContrast theme, etc. | m157 |
stlusagefix02 | Fix STL abuses detected by enabling the STLport debug mode | m157 |
fwk32 | OOo 2.0.2 fixes for framework project. | m157 |
msvcstandard | Fix build issues with MSVC Standard | m157 |
hro02 | Several stacktraces and 2.0.2 fixes. | m157 |
impress84 | OOo 2.0.2 bugfix workspace | m157 |
ooo202dicts | CWS to integrate latest Hunspell spellcheck dictionaries for de-DE and de-CH to the 'dictionaries' project in order to have them installed by default, thus eliminating the need for the wizard for 'de' spellchecking users. There should be a change in the license that allows them to be added to the OOo source tree now as well. | m157 |
hunspell01 | Hunspell spell checker, version 1.1.4. | m157 |
ab24 | Basic regression with long concatenated strings, affects BASIC interpreter only | m157 |
os76 | Bugfixing, crashes | m157 |
c0301 | stacktraces only | m157 |
swqbf54 | fix for stacktrace | m157 |
c03vcl | OOo 2.0.2 stack fixes for VCL | m157 |
ka008 | OOo 2.0.2 related fixes | m157 |
hr31 | Small fixes for CWS tooling: error checking and reporting. | m157 |
hunhelpimgs | This child workspace adds Hungarian images to the online help. | m157 |
ooo202dicts02 | Fixes: German hyphenation patterns and en_US/en_GB dictionaries Extension: add Hungarian resources | m157 |
fix61723 | fix issue 61723 | m157 |
fix61515 | fix issue 61515, backout workaround for issue 52570 | m157 |
impress86 | OOo 2.0.2 bug fix | m157 |
oj16 | hsqldb OpenOffice build problem | m157 |
fwkshowstopper | Fixes for showstoppers Needs only automated testing | m157 |
swqbf55 | fix for issue 130878 | m157 |
localisation05fix | cws fixes important missing Russian translation for OOo 2.0.2 | m157 |
letterwizardpp2 | Fix for OOo letter wizard | m157 |
calcnotify_SRC680 | Fix for a regression about notification of view shells | m157 |
fwkshowstop2_SRC680 | Bug fixes for showstoppers in Framework and Writer Team | m157 |