Known Issues in the Early Developer Release (Version 0.1)
Currently deployment and invocation of document scripts is not fully supported by the IDE and Tools/Assign Scripts dialog. Further releases will allow users to assign Menu and Keybinding to document scripts. [Refer to FAQ question/answer 4 for details on how to do this manually.]
The Assign Script dialog which appears when you use the Tools/Assign Scripts (Java) menu item is for creating application level bindings only, you cannot create document bindings using this dialog.
Currently, bindings to Java scripts apply to either Writer or Calc, they cannot be applied across all applications, as can be done with Star Basic macros.
The Java script bindings are not integrated into the Star Basic Tools/Configure dialog at this time, so there may be inconsistencies between the bindings displayed in the Tools/Assign Scripts and the Tools/Configure dialogs, (For instance in the MemoryUtils example, the CTRL-Shift-M keybinding is not listed as a binding under the Tools/Assign script (Java)/Key... dialog, but is under the Tools/Configure/Keyboard tab)
You should not add menu bindings to the Format menu. If you do, it may cause any menu bindings you have created to disappear. If this happens you should reinstall the Scripting Framework to restore the Tools/Assign Scripts and Tools/Refresh User Scripts menu items. Future releases of the Scripting Framework will not allow menu bindings to be added to the Format menu.
When using the Netbeans Scripting Framework support on Windows to Build/Configure a script parcel, the configure dialog sometimes does not contain any methods in the “Available Methods” panel. This problem is due to a bug in the plugin when building the classpath to introspect on the class files for the parcel recipie. The problem occurs if the unoil.jar is the last jar mounted.
[Note: generally the unoil.jar from the installation is mounted automatically the first time you compile a parcel, therefore it is normally the last jar mounted. However, you will not see this jar in the NetBeans Explorer window as it is hidden].
Workaround: After building a parcel recipie, in which you see the above problem occur, mount any other jar. This will be added after the hidden unoil.jar and the module will now function correctly.
On Linux, you need to ensure that your DISPLAY environment variable is set to <your hostname>:0 in the shell from which you start Office to work around a problem with Java GUIs causing Office to crash.
On Linux (Red Hat) some issues were reported when installing the JEdit plugin to an existing JEdit installation. Deleting the .jedit directory from the user's home directory, restarting JEdit and then reinstalling the JEdit Scripting Framework support, solved the problem.
When invoking key bindings on Solaris, you need to hit them twice to get first invocation, after that hit it once and it works.
There may be a slight delay in running the first script in Java after starting as the JVM is loaded.
The Framework does not currently support "./" in the classpath property in the parcel-descriptor.xml file.
Last Modified: Fri Nov 29 14:19:53 GMT 2002