
The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15

Definition of a FolderItem

The keyword for a FolderItem definition is FolderItem. A global ID of a FolderItem should begin with gid_Folderitem. FolderItems contain the information about the assigned module in their definition block. FolderItems represent entries into Folders, which exist in the Windows system, for example the Windows start menu folder. A typical definition of a FolderItem in the scp projects looks like:

FolderItem gid_Folderitem_Staroffice_Setup
ModuleID = gid_Module_Abc
Name = "setup";
FolderID = gid_Folder_Staroffice;
FileID = gid_File_Bin_Setup;
IconFile = gid_File_Bin_Setup;
IconID = 15;
Parameter = ".uno:NewDoc";

The definition of a FolderItem cotains some different entries. The FolderItem needs a name, which is after the installation visible in the Windows start menu folder. Therefore this name often has to be localized. Of course a FolderItem has to know, to which Folder it belongs. Every FolderItem is a link to a file, therefore the FileID has to be defined. In this case this is the setup file.

The FolderItem is realized as link to the file assigned to the FileID in the directory, that is specified as FolderID.

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