
The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15
Abstracts of Conference Papers - Friday

Abstracts of Conference Papers - Friday

XML Technologies: OASIS Open Office File Format
Michael Brauer Technical Architect, Sun Microsytems, Inc.

The OASIS Open Office XML File Format is a standardized file format for office productivity applications, like word processors, presentation and spreadsheet programs. It is developed by a vendor independent technical committee under the hood of the OASIS standardization consortium. The basis of this new file format is the XML file format. The OASIS Open Office format will be native file format of the upcoming 2.0 release.

This talk will covers the benefits of an standardized XML based office file format and gives a overview over the OASIS consortium and its work. Additionally, it will explain how the file format was adopted to become the OASIS Open Office format.

Biography: Michael Brauer is a technical architect at Sun Microsystems, Inc. and the chair of the OASIS Open Office XML Format Technical Committee that creates a standardized file format for office productivity applications like word processors, presentation and spreadsheet programs. He is also the owner of the XML Projects that developed the XML file format.


XML Technologies: W3C XForms Functionality in
Daniel Vogelheim Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Current versions of already contain support for forms and XML. In an upcoming version, this will be enhanced by adding support for W3C Xforms:

XForms, a W3C recommendation since October 2003, is the W3C standard for XML forms functionality. XForms is based on the concept of using arbitrary XML instances as data model for a form. Form logic, e.g. determing validity or dependance of data fields, can be declaratively specified with respect to the data model. Controls may be flexibly (and dynamically) bound to elements or attributes in the data model. Finally, submission directives allow to submit all or parts of XML instance data to a server. The greatest strength of XForms is arguably the high-level interoperability it allows for forms (including their forms logic) across a variety of implementations.

This talk will introduce the new functionality to support the design and use of XML-based form documents. We will also discuss use cases for XForms, covering classical form applications and embedding arbitrary XML into office documents. The presentation will also include a brief demonstration of XForms support in, and will also show interoperability between and another XForms implementation.

Biography: Daniel Vogelheim works for Sun Microsystems and has been full-time developer for since its foundation. His responsibilities include the OOo XForms support, development of the Writer core, and XML file format implementation & specification. Daniel is a member of the W3C XForms Working Group and the OASIS Open Office File Format TC.


XML Technologies: W3C XSLT Functionality in
Svante Schubert Sofware Engineer, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

XSLT (Extensible Style Language Transformation) is the W3C standard for transforming XML documents into other XML documents. Support for XSLT has been available since 1.1.

This session shows how XSLT is being used in (OOo) to transform the internal OASIS / OOo XML format into arbitrary XML formats. We present how to create your own filters, and give tips for easy XSLT filter development. The session will conclude with examples, including an XSLT filter for UBL (Universal Business Language) and other XML formats.

Biography: Svante Schubert works for Sun Microsystems and has been full-time developer for since its foundation. His responsibilities include the development of the XSL stylesheets for the XHTML1.0 export filter and automated testing. Currently he is working on the SpreadsheetML filters for 2.0.


Save as XDiML II- The Package for Electronic Theses
Sabine Henneberger and Matthias Schulz Computer and Media Service, Electronic Publishing Group, Humboldt University Berlin,Germany

Last year on OOoCon2003 our talk "Save as XDiML" dealt with electronic theses in general, our XDiML- DTD as well as the transformation from OOo-XML into XDiML. Meanwhile we enhanced our template dissertation-hu.stw, the xslt scripts and the technology enabling us to present the whole package now.

We start with creating a thesis in OOo with our template and describe the problems, we still have with the functionality of OOo. Then we will explain the technological process of converting the thesis from OOo, i.e. the OOo XML format, into the final XDiML format. This conversion is performed by using a system of xslt- , batch- and perl-scripts.

Since several months all members of our working group have been involved in conversion and we are able to report on a varied experience in this field. Finally we explain briefly, how we use the thesis in XDiML format.

Biography: Sabine Henneberger and Matthias Schulz are staff members of the Electronic Publishing Group of the Computer and Mediaservice at Humboldt University (Berlin), Sabine Henneberger since 2002 and Matthias Schulz since 1997. She developed the conversion tools for XdiML.

Matthias Schulz was involved in the development of XDiML DTD (XML-Version of DiML DTD). Both developed the template dissertation-hu.stw.

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