OpenOffice.org Conference
(OOoCon 2009)
The Event
The OpenOffice.org Annual International Conference (OOoCon) is the premier event for anyone interested in or working with OpenOffice.org. OOoCon is where representatives of all the community projects meet to celebrate and learn from the achievements of the past twelve months, and discuss how to meet the challenges of the next twelve.
The Location
Every year, a completely new team adopts OOoCon, brings it to their country, and puts their own flavour on it. The result is a conference which has a lot of fresh energy every year, guarantees suprises, but which is also reliably interesting. Many attendees consider it to be one of the most informative and friendliest open-source events to be found anywhere in the world.
2009 - we're changing the process
We have had some brilliant conferences over the years, but it is hard work indeed for a team to start from scratch, and run an event the size of OOoCon after as little as six months’ preparation. This year, we are changing the way we award OOoCon. We would like to award not just OOoCon 2009, but also OOoCon 2010. The team selected for OOoCon 2010 will work alongside the OOoCon 2009 team, to help them with OOoCon 2009, and also learn how to make OOoCon 2010 even better. Then next year we will award OOoCon 2011, etc.
So this means that this year, we'll be asking for the Community's preferences for the location of two conferences: OOoCon 2009 and OOoCon 2010.
The Choices
OOoCon is the Community's conference, so it's only right that the Community members have a say in where it is held. If you were a registered Community member on 1st January 2009, and you would like to attend OOoCon, you are entitled to have a say in where OOoCon is held.
Teams were asked to provide information in a Call for Location. Their replies have been presented in the same format to make it easy to compare one with another. Some teams have provided more complete answers than others.
There are six locations to choose from this year:
- Alexandria, Egypt
- Budapest, Hungary
- Guwahati, India
- Orvieto, Italy
- Quezon City, Philippines
- Reykjavik, Iceland
- Riga, Latvia
The Results
The results of the Community Consultation process were announced on March 3rd. Orvieto, Italy emerged as a clear favourite with 48% of the votes. Budapest, Hungary was second with 29%. The remaining five bids all scored less than 10% each, so
See you at OOoCon!