
The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15
written by: Chris Lukasiak

Connection Test

Database:                              Driver:              OS:               QA member:      oo Version:      primary key create tables delete tables insert table fields modify table fields delete table fields insert table data modify table data delete table data insert table rows delete table rows create query modify query delete query views indexes joins relations known bugs
HSQL db (oo native)
Win XP
oo included
Win XP
Text db
oo included
Spreadsheet-oo db
oo included
Win XP
MS Windows Adressbook
oo included
Win XP
MySQL 4.1.11
myodbc 3.51.09
Debian Sarge
MySQL 3.23
JDBC 3.1.12
Win XP
The used placeholder in words: (+) = works fine/ok ; (-) = is not supported ; (?) = works partly/with workaround.

Test Description:

0. open or create according database for testing

- create tables -

1. create a new table (by clicking on the 'table container' and choosing: 'create table in design view...')
-> table design window appear
2. insert any field name and save table (with 'save' icon in toolbar or file/save menue)
-> save dialog appear
3. insert any table name and push the 'ok' button
-> proposual dialog for primary key appears (if database support primary key)
4. push the 'no' button and close the window
=> check: 'create tables' on your checklist (if works fine/ok (+) or not supported (-) or works partly/with workaround (?))

- primary key -

5. repeat step 1. to 3. but choose 'yes' for primary key in step 4.
=> check: 'primary key' on your checklist (ok(+) - not supported(-) - works partly(?))

- delete tables -

6. delete both tables (by context on tablename or 'del' key on keyboard)
=> check: 'delete tables' (+-?)

- insert table fields -

7. create a table with several fields (with different field types of your choice)
8. save and close table (with primary key if supported)
9. open table in design view (by context on table and 'edit' or in edit/edit menue)
10. add a field and save table
=> check: 'insert table fields'

- modify table fields -

11. change any field name and any field type and save the table
-> if warning dialog appear click 'yes' (warning dialog propose appending as new table)
=> check: 'modify table fields'

- modify table fields -

12. delete any field and save the table
=> check: 'delete table fields'

- insert table data -

- insert table rows -

13. close the table
14. open the table in design view again, control and close (check if the 'insert/modified/deleted' changes are still present)
15. open the table in normal view (doubleclick on table or context/open)
16. insert some rows with any data and save (or leave current row - should save data, too)
=> check: 'insert table data'
=> check: 'insert table rows'

- modify table data -

17. change any content and save
=> check: 'modify table data'

- delete table data -

- delete table rows -

18. delete any content and any table row (by context or by marking whole row and pushing 'del' key on keyboard)
=> check: 'delete table data'
=> check: 'delete table rows'

- create query -

19. close table and push the 'query container'
20. create a new query (in design view)
-> 'add tables' dialog appear
21. add the created test table (or any else containing different field types and any data)
-> 'table' container appear
22. choose some fields from 'table container' (by doubleclicking on tablename or field listbox in lower grid)
23. run and save the query (by corresponding icon or menue: edit/run query)
-> upper 'result' window should appear (and show the result of the query)
24. close and reopen the query in design view (context:'edit')
=> check: 'create query'

- modify query -

25. insert any further field, or delete one (delete field by marking 'field header' in lower grid and context or 'del' key)
26. save and close query design
27. reopen and verify the change you have made
=> check: 'modify query'

- delete query -

28. close query and delete it
=> check: 'delete query'

- views -

29. create a new 'view' (table container/create view - if supported)
30. save, close and delete it
=> check: 'views'

- indexes -

31. open or create any table in design view
32. open the 'index' design dialog (in menue: tools/index design or with according icon)
-> index dialog appear
33. create a new index, save it and close dialog and table (with the according icons)
34. reopen test table
35. reopen index dialog and recheck if index still present
=> check: 'indexes'

- joins -

36. close dialog and table design
37. create any other table (for further test we need min. two tables)
38. open a new query in design view
39. add two tables
-> two table container should appear
40. create a join between them (by drag&drop any field name from one table container to the other)
-> a 'connector' between the two table container appear
41. doubleclick on the connector
-> the 'join property' dialog appear
42. choose from 'type listbox' any item f.e. 'inner join' (if supported)
43. push the 'ok' button
-> dialog disappear
44. insert any table field for query (by doubleclicking on any field in table container or with 'listbox'..)
45. run and save the query (for a senseful result you need sensfull data)
46. open the query in design view and doubleclick on the 'connector'
-> the 'join property' dialog appear
47. (optional) check the other proposed join 'types' if supported (43. to 46.)
=> check: 'join'

- relations -

48. close dialog and query design
49. open the 'relation design' (menue: tools/relationships)
-> dialog appear
50. add two tables
-> table container appear
51. drag and drop a field from one table container to the other (does not work with every field - try the two primary key fields)
-> 'connector ' between the two table container appear (with doubleclick on it, dialog available)
52. save, refresh, reopen and recheck if everything is still fine
=> check: 'relations'

- finish test -

please send the filled checklist with 'connection test' in title to Testowner.

(please fill in like example:
create tables: +
indexes: -
and notice, that the order differ a bit)

Driver (vers. number):
OS (Operating System f.e. WinXP or LinuxSuse10.1):
oo Version:
known bugs (optional):

Checklist: -Connection Test-
primary key:
create tables:
delete tables:
insert table fields:
modify table fields:
delete table fields:
insert table data:
modify table data:
delete table data:
insert table rows:
delete table rows:
create query:
modify query:
delete query:

Please do not change this site without acknowledge of the autor or the OOo QA Project Lead/Co-Leads.

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