
The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15
Team Lead: Thorsten Martens

QA Framework - Mission Statement

The OOo QA Framework Team has the main responsibility to assure and improve the quality of the OOo/SUN Staroffice framework. This area consists of: setup and installation, system-integration, office-start, the office browser-plugin, file-operations like loading and saving files (file-system, ftp, http (webdav)), window- and task-handling and the configuration and behaviour of toolbars.
The testing is mainly done by using the office, sporadic functional testing, testing with TCS (Test Case Specification) and with automatic tests mainly on Windows, Linux and Solaris. Also new features are guided on their way into the product to assure their integration under best possible conditions.
Revision: 2.00

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