QA Local. & Docu. - Responsibilities
Jacqueline Rahemipour |
(jrahemipour) Team Lead - Contact for localisation (UI and Help Content), localisation coordinator germanophone project, OTE (Open Translation Editor) - Languages(s): engl./germ. |
Charles-H. Schulz |
(southerncross) Team Co-Lead - NLC QA team trainer and coordinator - Languages(s): engl./fr./germ. |
Jean-Baptiste Faure |
(jbfaure) Team Member - Contact for localisation (UI and Help Content), localisation coordinator francophone project, QA representative (TCM, Testtool and QATrack) for the FR release - Languages(s): engl./fr. |
Sophie Gautier |
(sgauti) Team Member - Contact for localisation (UI and Help Content), localisation coordinator francophone project. - Languages(s): engl./fr. |
Andr� Schnabel |
(andreschnabel) Team Member - Contact for localisation of automated tests, QATrack and TCM - Languages(s): engl./germ. |
Kazunari Hirano |
(khirano) Team Member - Contact for CJK related matters - Languages(s): engl./jap. |
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