
The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15


Manipulated WMF files can lead to heap overflows and arbitrary code execution

1. Impact

A security vulnerability with the way OpenOffice 2.x process EMF files may allow a remote unprivileged user who provides a StarOffice/StarSuite document that is opened by a local user to execute arbitrary commands on the system with the privileges of the user running StarOffice/StarSuite. No working exploit is known right now.

2. Affected releases

All versions prior to 2.4.2

3. Symptoms

There are no predictable symptoms that would indicate this issue has occurred

4. Relief/Workaround

There is no workaround. See "Resolution" below.

5. Resolution

This issue is addressed in the following release: 2.4.2

Note: 3.0 is not affected by this vulnerability.

Security Home -> Bulletin -> CVE-2008-2238

6. Comments acknowledges with thanks, an anonymous researcher working with the iDefense VCP.

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