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:: com :: sun :: star :: uno ::

class Any

Base Classes
uno_Any (public)
Known Derived Classes

virtual abstract interface template
C++ class representing an IDL any. This class is used to transport any type defined in IDL. The class inherits from the binary C representation of uno_Any. You can insert a value by either using the <<= operators or the template function makeAny(). No any can hold an any. You can extract values from an any by using the >>= operators which return true if the any contains an assignable value (no data loss), e.g. the any contains a short and you >>= it into a long variable.

Public Members


Any( ) throw( );
Default constructor: Any holds no value; its type is void.

Any( const Any & rAny ) throw( );
Copy constructor: Sets value of the given any.

Any( const void * pData_, const Type & rType ) throw( );
Constructor: Sets a copy of the given data.

Any( const void * pData_, typelib_TypeDescription * pTypeDescr ) throw( );
Constructor: Sets a copy of the given data.

Any( const void * pData_, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pType ) throw( );
Constructor: Sets a copy of the given data.

~Any( ) throw( );
Destructor: Destructs any content and frees memory.
Any &
operator=( const Any & rAny ) throw( );
Assignment operator: Sets the value of the given any.
const Type &
getValueType( ) const throw( );
Gets the type of the set value.
typelib_TypeDescriptionReference *
getValueTypeRef( ) const throw( );
Gets the type of the set value.
getValueTypeDescription( typelib_TypeDescription * * ppTypeDescr ) const throw( );
Gets the type description of the set value. Provides ownership of the type description! Call an explicit typelib_typedescription_release() to release afterwards.
getValueTypeClass( ) const throw( );
Gets the type class of the set value.
getValueTypeName( ) const throw( );
Gets the type name of the set value.
hasValue( ) const throw( );
Tests if any contains a value.
const void *
getValue( ) const throw( );
Gets a pointer to the set value.
setValue( const void * pData_, const Type & rType ) throw( );
Sets a value. If the any already contains a value, that value will be destructed and its memory freed.
setValue( const void * pData_, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pType ) throw( );
Sets a value. If the any already contains a value, that value will be destructed and its memory freed.
setValue( const void * pData_, typelib_TypeDescription * pTypeDescr ) throw( );
Sets a value. If the any already contains a value, that value will be destructed and its memory freed.
clear( ) throw( );
Clears this any. If the any already contains a value, that value will be destructed and its memory freed. After this has been called, the any does not contain a value.
operator==( const Any & rAny ) const throw( );
Equality operator: compares two anys. The values need not be of equal type, e.g. a short integer is compared to a long integer.
operator!=( const Any & rAny ) const throw( );
Unequality operator: compares two anys. The values need not be of equal type, e.g. a short integer is compared to a long integer.

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