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Global Functions in Global Namespace C++
in Sourcefile typedescription.h
- typelib_setCacheSize
- extern "C"
void typelib_setCacheSize( sal_Int32 nNewSize );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Sets size of type description cache.
- Parameters
nNewSize new size of cache
- typelib_static_array_type_init
- extern "C"
void typelib_static_array_type_init( typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * * ppRef, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pElementType, sal_Int32 nDimensions, ... );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Inits static array type reference. Thread synchronizes on typelib init mutex.
- Parameters
ppRef pointer to type reference pointer
pElementType element type of sequence
nDimensions number of dimensions
... additional sal_Int32 parameter for each dimension
- typelib_static_compound_type_init
- extern "C"
void typelib_static_compound_type_init( typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * * ppRef, typelib_TypeClass eTypeClass, const sal_Char * pTypeName, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pBaseType, sal_Int32 nMembers, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * * ppMembers );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Inits incomplete static compound type reference. Thread synchronizes on typelib init mutex.
- Parameters
ppRef pointer to type reference pointer
eTypeClass typelib_TypeClass_STRUCT or typelib_TypeClass_EXCEPTION
pTypeName name of type
pBaseType base type
nMembers number of members
ppMembers member types
- typelib_static_enum_type_init
- extern "C"
void typelib_static_enum_type_init( typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * * ppRef, const sal_Char * pTypeName, sal_Int32 nDefaultValue );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Inits incomplete static enum type reference. Thread synchronizes on typelib init mutex.
- Parameters
ppRef pointer to type reference pointer
pTypeName name of enum
nDefaultEnumValue default enum value
- typelib_static_interface_type_init
- extern "C"
void typelib_static_interface_type_init( typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * * ppRef, const sal_Char * pTypeName, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pBaseType );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Inits incomplete static interface type reference. Thread synchronizes on typelib init mutex.
- Parameters
ppRef pointer to type reference pointer
pTypeName name of interface
pBaseType base type
- typelib_static_sequence_type_init
- extern "C"
void typelib_static_sequence_type_init( typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * * ppRef, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pElementType );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Inits static sequence type reference. Thread synchronizes on typelib init mutex.
- Parameters
ppRef pointer to type reference pointer
pElementType element type of sequence
- typelib_static_type_getByTypeClass
- extern "C"
typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * * typelib_static_type_getByTypeClass( typelib_TypeClass eTypeClass );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Description
- Gets static type reference of standard types by type class. ADDITIONAL OPT: provides Type com.sun.star.uno.Exception for typelib_TypeClass_EXCEPTION and com.sun.star.uno.XInterface for typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE. Thread synchronizes on typelib mutex.
- Parameters
eTypeClass type class of basic type
- Return
- pointer to type reference pointer
- typelib_static_type_init
- extern "C"
void typelib_static_type_init( typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * * ppRef, typelib_TypeClass eTypeClass, const sal_Char * pTypeName );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Inits static type reference. Thread synchronizes on typelib init mutex.
- Parameters
ppRef pointer to type reference pointer
eTypeClass type class of type
pTypeName ascii name of type
- typelib_static_union_type_init
- extern "C"
void typelib_static_union_type_init( typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * * ppRef, const sal_Char * pTypeName, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pDiscriminantType, sal_Int64 nDefaultDiscriminant, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pDefaultType, sal_Int32 nMembers, sal_Int64 * pDiscriminants, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * * pMemberTypes );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Description
- Inits incomplete static compound type reference. Thread synchronizes on typelib init mutex. All discriminants are handled as int64 values. The pDiscriminantTypeRef must be of type byte, short, ..., up to hyper.
- Parameters
ppRef pointer to type reference pointer
pTypeName name of union type
pDiscriminantType discriminant type
nDefaultDiscriminant default discriminant
pDefaultType default value type of union
nMembers number of union members
pDiscriminants member discriminants
pMemberTypes member types
- typelib_typedescription_acquire
- extern "C"
void typelib_typedescription_acquire( typelib_TypeDescription * pDesc );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Increments reference count of given type description.
- Parameters
pDesc type description
- typelib_typedescription_complete
- extern "C"
sal_Bool typelib_typedescription_complete( typelib_TypeDescription * * ppTypeDescr );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Description
- Completes a typedescription to be used for, e.g., marshalling values. COMPOUND, UNION, INTERFACE and ENUM type descriptions may be partly initialized (see typelib_static_...(), typelib_TypeDescription::bComplete). For interface type descriptions, this will also init index tables.
- Parameters
ppTypeDescr type description to be completed (may be exchanged!)
- Return
- true, if type description is complete
- typelib_typedescription_equals
- extern "C"
sal_Bool typelib_typedescription_equals( const typelib_TypeDescription * p1, const typelib_TypeDescription * p2 );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Tests whether two types descriptions are equal, i.e. type class and names are equal.
- Parameters
p1 a type description
p2 another type description
- Return
- true, if type descriptions are equal
- typelib_typedescription_getByName
- extern "C"
void typelib_typedescription_getByName( typelib_TypeDescription * * ppRet, rtl_uString * pName );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Retrieves a type description via its fully qualified name.
- Parameters
ppRet inout type description; *ppRet is 0, if type description was not found
pName name demanded type description
- typelib_typedescription_isAssignableFrom
- extern "C"
sal_Bool typelib_typedescription_isAssignableFrom( typelib_TypeDescription * pAssignable, typelib_TypeDescription * pFrom );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Tests if values of type pAssignable can be assigned by values of type pFrom. This includes widening conversion (e.g., long assignable from short), as long as there is no data loss.
- Parameters
pAssignable type description of value to be assigned
pFrom type description of value
- typelib_typedescription_new
- extern "C"
void typelib_typedescription_new( typelib_TypeDescription * * ppRet, typelib_TypeClass eTypeClass, rtl_uString * pTypeName, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pType, sal_Int32 nMembers, typelib_CompoundMember_Init * pMembers );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Creates a new type description.
- Parameters
ppRet inout type description
eTypeClass type class
pTypeName name of type
pType sequence, array: element type; struct, Exception: base type;
nMembers number of members if struct, exception
pMember array of members if struct, exception
- typelib_typedescription_newArray
- extern "C"
void typelib_typedescription_newArray( typelib_TypeDescription * * ppRet, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pElementTypeRef, sal_Int32 nDimensions, sal_Int32 * pDimensions );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Creates an array type description.
- Parameters
ppRet inout enum type description
pElementTypeRef element type
nDimensions number of dimensions
pDimensions dimensions
- typelib_typedescription_newEnum
- extern "C"
void typelib_typedescription_newEnum( typelib_TypeDescription * * ppRet, rtl_uString * pTypeName, sal_Int32 nDefaultValue, sal_Int32 nEnumValues, rtl_uString * * ppEnumNames, sal_Int32 * pEnumValues );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Creates an enum type description.
- Parameters
ppRet inout enum type description
pTypeName name of enum
nDefaultEnumValue default enum value
nEnumValues number of enum values
ppEnumNames names of enum values
pEnumValues enum values
- typelib_typedescription_newInterface
- extern "C"
void typelib_typedescription_newInterface( typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription * * ppRet, rtl_uString * pTypeName, sal_uInt32 nUik1, sal_uInt16 nUik2, sal_uInt16 nUik3, sal_uInt32 nUik4, sal_uInt32 nUik5, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pBaseInterface, sal_Int32 nMembers, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * * ppMembers );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Creates an interface type description.
- Parameters
ppRet inout interface type description
pTypeName the fully qualified name of the interface.
nUik1 uik part
nUik2 uik part
nUik3 uik part
nUik4 uik part
nUik5 uik part
pBaseInterface base interface type, else 0
nMembers number of members
ppMembers members; attributes or methods
- typelib_typedescription_newInterfaceAttribute
- extern "C"
void typelib_typedescription_newInterfaceAttribute( typelib_InterfaceAttributeTypeDescription * * ppRet, sal_Int32 nAbsolutePosition, rtl_uString * pAttributeName, typelib_TypeClass eAttributeTypeClass, rtl_uString * pAttributeTypeName, sal_Bool bReadOnly );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Creates an interface attribute type description.
- Parameters
ppRet inout attribute type description
nAbsolutePosition position of this attribute including all members of base interfaces
pTypeName fully qualified name of attribute including interface name
eAttributeTypeClass type class of attribute type
pAttributeTypeName type name of attribute type
- typelib_typedescription_newInterfaceMethod
- extern "C"
void typelib_typedescription_newInterfaceMethod( typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription * * ppRet, sal_Int32 nAbsolutePosition, sal_Bool bOneWay, rtl_uString * pMethodName, typelib_TypeClass eReturnTypeClass, rtl_uString * pReturnTypeName, sal_Int32 nParams, typelib_Parameter_Init * pParams, sal_Int32 nExceptions, rtl_uString * * ppExceptionNames );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Creates an interface method type description.
- Parameters
ppRet inout method type description
nAbsolutePosition position of member including all members of base interfaces
bOneWay determines whether method is declared oneway
pTypeName fully qualified name of method including interface name
eReturnTypeClass type class of return type
pReturnTypeName type name of the return type
nParams number of parameters
pParams parameter types
nExceptions number of exceptions
ppExceptionNames type names of exceptions
- typelib_typedescription_newUnion
- extern "C"
void typelib_typedescription_newUnion( typelib_TypeDescription * * ppRet, rtl_uString * pTypeName, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pDiscriminantTypeRef, sal_Int64 nDefaultDiscriminant, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pDefaultTypeRef, sal_Int32 nMembers, typelib_Union_Init * pMembers );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Creates a union type description. All discriminants are handled as int64 values. The pDiscriminantTypeRef must be of type byte, short, ..., up to hyper.
- Parameters
ppRet inout union type description
pTypeName name of union type
pDiscriminantTypeRef discriminant type
nDefaultDiscriminant default discriminant
pDefaultTypeRef default value type of union
nMembers number of union members
pMembers init members
- typelib_typedescription_register
- extern "C"
void typelib_typedescription_register( typelib_TypeDescription * * ppNewDescription );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Registers a type description and creates a type description reference. Type descriptions will be registered automatically if they are provided via the callback chain.
- Parameters
ppNewDescription inout description to be registered;
- typelib_typedescription_registerCallback
- extern "C"
void typelib_typedescription_registerCallback( void * pContext, typelib_typedescription_Callback pCallback );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Registers callback function providing additional type descriptions.
- Parameters
pContext callback context
pCallback callback function
- typelib_typedescription_release
- extern "C"
void typelib_typedescription_release( typelib_TypeDescription * pDesc );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Decrements reference count of given type. If reference count reaches 0, the trype description is deleted.
- Parameters
pDesc type description
- typelib_typedescription_revokeCallback
- extern "C"
void typelib_typedescription_revokeCallback( void * pContext, typelib_typedescription_Callback pCallback );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Revokes a previously registered callback function.
- Parameters
pContext callback context
pCallback registered callback function
- typelib_typedescriptionreference_acquire
- extern "C"
void typelib_typedescriptionreference_acquire( typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pRef );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Increments reference count of type description reference.
- Parameters
pRef type description reference
- typelib_typedescriptionreference_assign
- extern "C"
void typelib_typedescriptionreference_assign( typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * * ppDest, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pSource );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Assigns a type.
- Parameters
ppDest destination type
pSource source type
- typelib_typedescriptionreference_equals
- extern "C"
sal_Bool typelib_typedescriptionreference_equals( const typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * p1, const typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * p2 );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Tests whether two types description references are equal, i.e. type class and names are equal.
- Parameters
p1 a type description reference
p2 another type description reference
- Return
- true, if type description references are equal
- typelib_typedescriptionreference_getDescription
- extern "C"
void typelib_typedescriptionreference_getDescription( typelib_TypeDescription * * ppRet, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pRef );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Retrieves the type description for a given reference. If it is not possible to resolve the reference, null is returned.
- Parameters
ppRet inout type description
- typelib_typedescriptionreference_isAssignableFrom
- extern "C"
sal_Bool typelib_typedescriptionreference_isAssignableFrom( typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pAssignable, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pFrom );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Tests if values of type pAssignable can be assigned by values of type pFrom. This includes widening conversion (e.g., long assignable from short), as long as there is no data loss.
- Parameters
pAssignable type of value to be assigned
pFrom type of value
- typelib_typedescriptionreference_new
- extern "C"
void typelib_typedescriptionreference_new( typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * * ppTDR, typelib_TypeClass eTypeClass, rtl_uString * pTypeName );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Creates a type description reference. This is a weak reference not holding the description. If the description is already registered, the previous one is returned.
- Parameters
ppTDR inout type description reference
eTypeClass type class of type
pTypeName name of type
- typelib_typedescriptionreference_newByAsciiName
- extern "C"
void typelib_typedescriptionreference_newByAsciiName( typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * * ppTDR, typelib_TypeClass eTypeClass, const sal_Char * pTypeName );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Creates a type description reference. This is a weak reference not holding the description. If the description is already registered, the previous one is returned.
- Parameters
ppTDR inout type description reference
eTypeClass type class of type
pTypeName ascii name of type
- typelib_typedescriptionreference_release
- extern "C"
void typelib_typedescriptionreference_release( typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pRef );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Increments reference count of type description reference. If the reference count reaches 0, then the reference is deleted.
- Parameters
pRef type description reference
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Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303 USA.