SocketAddr( ); |
Creates socket address of unknown type.
SocketAddr( const SocketAddr & Addr ); |
Copy constructor.
SocketAddr( const oslSocketAddr , __osl_socket_NoCopy nocopy ); |
The SocketAddr takes over the responsibility of the handle ( which means,
that the handle gets destructed by the destructor of this reference)
SocketAddr( oslSocketAddr Addr ); |
SocketAddr( const ::rtl::OUString & strAddrOrHostName, sal_Int32 nPort ); |
tcpip-specif constructor.
~SocketAddr( ); |
destroys underlying oslSocketAddress
is( ) const; |
checks, if the SocketAddr was created successful.
getHostname( oslSocketResult * pResult = 0 ) const; |
Converts the address to a (human readable) domain-name.
setHostname( const ::rtl::OUString & sDottedIpOrHostname ); |
getPort( ) const; |
Returns the port number of the address.
setPort( sal_Int32 nPort ); |
Sets the port number of the address.
setAddr( const ::rtl::ByteSequence & address ); |
Sets the address of the underlying socket address struct in network byte order.
getAddr( oslSocketResult * pResult = 0 ) const; |
Returns the address of the underlying socket in network byte order
SocketAddr &
operator=( oslSocketAddr Addr ); |
assign the handle to this reference. The previous handle is release.
SocketAddr &
operator=( const SocketAddr & Addr ); |
SocketAddr &
assign( oslSocketAddr Addr, __osl_socket_NoCopy nocopy ); |
Assigns the socket addr without copyconstructing it.
operator==( oslSocketAddr Addr ) const; |
Returns true if the underlying handle is identical to the Addr handle.
operator==( const SocketAddr & Addr ) const; |
Returns true if the underlying handle is identical to the Addr handle.
getHandle( ) const; |
Returns the underlying SocketAddr handle without copyconstructing it.