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Data of Class remote_Context
- aBase
- uno_Context aBase;
- getRemoteInstance
- remote_getInstanceFunc getRemoteInstance;
- Description
- ****** * see above declaration of remote_getInstanceFunc * The method is set by the environment during environment initialization.
- m_pProtocol
- rtl_uString * m_pProtocol;
- Description
- ***** * The protocol, that the environment uses for communicating with the remote process. * The format of the protocol string is : "protocolname,para1=para1value,..." * The parameters are protocol dependend
- m_pDescription
- rtl_uString * m_pDescription;
- Description
- ** * It may be the same as m_pName. * Livetime is handled by the context administration.
- m_pName
- rtl_uString * m_pName;
- Description
- ** * The name of this context at context administration. * A string, that uniquely describes this environment. * Livetime is handled by the context administration.
- m_pInstanceProvider
- remote_InstanceProvider * m_pInstanceProvider;
- Description
- * GetInstance method is called every time when a remote call with an unknown oid comes in. * Is usually called on server side, when the first client request comes in. * Maybe 0. Livetime is handled by the context administration.
- m_pConnection
- remote_Connection * m_pConnection;
- Description
- * * The connection of this context. * Livetime is handled by the context administration.
- m_pAdditionalInformation
- void * m_pAdditionalInformation;
- Description
- * Here arbitrary data may be stored. It may be used by a connection * service to store environment specific data. The bridge does not * use it.
- m_pBridgeImpl
- remote_BridgeImpl * m_pBridgeImpl;
- Summary
- * here the bridge stores its private per environment data.
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