OUString( ) throw( ); |
New string containing no characters.
OUString( const OUString & str ) throw( ); |
New string from OUString.
OUString( rtl_uString * str ) throw( ); |
New string from OUString data.
OUString( const sal_Unicode * value ) throw( ); |
New string from a Unicode character buffer array.
OUString( const sal_Unicode * value, sal_Int32 length ) throw( ); |
New string from a Uniocde character buffer array.
OUString( const sal_Char * value, sal_Int32 length, rtl_TextEncoding encoding, sal_uInt32 convertFlags = OSTRING_TO_OUSTRING_CVTFLAGS ) throw( ); |
New string from a 8-Bit character buffer array.
OUString( const String & value ) throw( ); |
Convert a String (from the tools module) into an OUString.
~OUString( ) throw( ); |
Release the string data.
OUString &
operator=( const OUString & str ) throw( ); |
Assign a new string.
OUString &
operator+=( const OUString & str ) throw( ); |
Append a string to this string.
getLength( ) const throw( ); |
Returns the length of this string.
operator const sal_Unicode *( ) const throw( ); |
Returns a pointer to the Unicode character buffer from this string.
const sal_Unicode *
getStr( ) const throw( ); |
Returns a pointer to the Unicode character buffer from this string.
compareTo( const OUString & str ) const throw( ); |
Compares two strings.
compareTo( const OUString & str, sal_Int32 maxLength ) const throw( ); |
Compares two strings with an maximum count of characters.
reverseCompareTo( const OUString & str ) const throw( ); |
Compares two strings in reverse order.
equals( const OUString & str ) const throw( ); |
Perform a comparison of two strings.
equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( const OUString & str ) const throw( ); |
Perform a ASCII lowercase comparison of two strings.
match( const OUString & str, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const throw( ); |
Perform a comparison of a substring in this string.
matchIgnoreAsciiCase( const OUString & str, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const throw( ); |
Perform a ASCII lowercase comparison of a substring in this string.
compareToAscii( const sal_Char * asciiStr ) const throw( ); |
Compares two strings.
compareToAscii( const sal_Char * asciiStr, sal_Int32 maxLength ) const throw( ); |
Compares two strings with an maximum count of characters.
reverseCompareToAsciiL( const sal_Char * asciiStr, sal_Int32 asciiStrLength ) const throw( ); |
Compares two strings in reverse order.
equalsAscii( const sal_Char * asciiStr ) const throw( ); |
Perform a comparison of two strings.
equalsAsciiL( const sal_Char * asciiStr, sal_Int32 asciiStrLength ) const throw( ); |
Perform a comparison of two strings.
equalsIgnoreAsciiCaseAscii( const sal_Char * asciiStr ) const throw( ); |
Perform a ASCII lowercase comparison of two strings.
equalsIgnoreAsciiCaseAsciiL( const sal_Char * asciiStr, sal_Int32 asciiStrLength ) const throw( ); |
Perform a ASCII lowercase comparison of two strings.
matchAsciiL( const sal_Char * asciiStr, sal_Int32 asciiStrLength, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const throw( ); |
Perform a comparison of a substring in this string.
matchIgnoreAsciiCaseAsciiL( const sal_Char * asciiStr, sal_Int32 asciiStrLength, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const throw( ); |
Perform a ASCII lowercase comparison of a substring in this string.
hashCode( ) const throw( ); |
Returns a hashcode for this string.
indexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const throw( ); |
Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the
specified character, starting the search at the specified index.
lastIndexOf( sal_Unicode ch ) const throw( ); |
Returns the index within this string of the last occurrence of the
specified character, searching backward starting at the end.
lastIndexOf( sal_Unicode ch, sal_Int32 fromIndex ) const throw( ); |
Returns the index within this string of the last occurrence of the
specified character, searching backward starting at the specified index.
indexOf( const OUString & str, sal_Int32 fromIndex = 0 ) const throw( ); |
Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the
specified substring, starting at the specified index.
lastIndexOf( const OUString & str ) const throw( ); |
Returns the index within this string of the last occurrence of
the specified substring, searching backward starting at the end.
lastIndexOf( const OUString & str, sal_Int32 fromIndex ) const throw( ); |
Returns the index within this string of the last occurrence of
the specified substring, searching backward starting at the end.
copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex ) const throw( ); |
Returns a new string that is a substring of this string.
copy( sal_Int32 beginIndex, sal_Int32 count ) const throw( ); |
Returns a new string that is a substring of this string.
concat( const OUString & str ) const throw( ); |
Concatenates the specified string to the end of this string.
replaceAt( sal_Int32 index, sal_Int32 count, const OUString & newStr ) const throw( ); |
Returns a new string resulting from replacing n = count characters
from position index in this string with newStr.
replace( sal_Unicode oldChar, sal_Unicode newChar ) const throw( ); |
Returns a new string resulting from replacing all occurrences of
oldChar in this string with newChar.
toAsciiLowerCase( ) const throw( ); |
Converts from this string all ASCII uppercase characters (65-90)
to ASCII lowercase characters (97-122).
toAsciiUpperCase( ) const throw( ); |
Converts from this string all ASCII lowercase characters (97-122)
to ASCII uppercase characters (65-90).
trim( ) const throw( ); |
Returns a new string resulting from removing white space from both ends
of the string.
getToken( sal_Int32 token, sal_Unicode cTok, sal_Int32 & index ) const throw( ); |
Returns a token in the string.
toBoolean( ) const throw( ); |
Returns the Boolean value from this string.
toChar( ) const throw( ); |
Returns the first character from this string.
toInt32( sal_Int16 radix = 10 ) const throw( ); |
Returns the int32 value from this string.
toInt64( sal_Int16 radix = 10 ) const throw( ); |
Returns the int64 value from this string.
toFloat( ) const throw( ); |
Returns the float value from this string.
toDouble( ) const throw( ); |
Returns the double value from this string.