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Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15

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module backend

Backend Access to a configuration storage backend containing settings used by software modules. Configuration data is accessed by components and entities. An entity contains data associated to multiple components (akin to software module).
XBackend Handles access to layered data stored in a repository
XCompositeLayer Provides an access to layers that contain one principal data source (the XLayer one) augmented by sublayers accessible through an additional criterion (for instance the locale they contain data for).
XImportLayer allows importing a layer into a Backend
XLayer Handles access to the data contained in a layer for a particular component and entity.
XLayerHandler receives a description of a configuration layer as a sequence of events.
XSchema Handles access to the elements of a component schema, templates + component description.
XSchemaHandler receives a description of a configuration schema as a sequence of events.
XSingleBackend Handles access to a single layer of data in a repository with timestamp-checking capabilities.
XUpdatableLayer Provides access to a read-write layer of configuration data.
XUpdateHandler receives a description of a configuration update or layer as a sequence of events. @todo Introcuce a special exception to indicate schema violations or improper nesting of calls.
TemplateIdentifier holds the data needed to identify a template.
AuthenticationFailedException Exception thrown when authentication to the underlying backend fails due to an unknown user-id or invalid credentials.
BackendAccessException Generic exception thrown when physical access to an underlying backend fails.
BackendSetupException Generic exception thrown when setting up a connection to an underlying backend fails.
CannotConnectException Exception thrown when a connection to the underlying backend cannot be established.
ConnectionLostException Exception thrown when the connection to the underlying backend was lost irrecoverably.
InsufficientAccessRightsException Exception thrown when access to the underlying backend fails because of insufficient access rights to some needed resource.
InvalidAuthenticationMechanismException Exception thrown when authentication to the underlying backend fails because the configured authentication mechanism is not supported by the backend or no valid mechanism can be negotiated.
LdapConnectionException Indicates failure to connect to an LDAP server.
LdapGenericException Generic exception occurring during access to an LDAP server
MalformedDataException is thrown when the data of a component schema, layer or update is not wellformed or otherwise invalid @todo Add members to describe the name/location of the erroroneous data
Constant Groups
NodeAttribute These values are used to specify the behavior of a node or property in a layer.
SchemaAttribute These values are used to specify the behavior of a node or property in the schema.
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