DocBook tags in
- Top Level Elements
- Meta Information
- Nested Elements
- In-Line Elements
- Sections
- Tables
- Lists
- Links
- Graphics
- Index
For the following instructions to work, ensure that the DocBook stylesheets have been enabled. See the User Guide if this has not already been done. Currently the stylesheets only support <article> and <chapter> as top-level elements.
The Stylist and Navigator also need to be displayed:
- Press F11 to display the Stylist
- Depending on the DocBook tag to be used, the following options are available:
- Select either Custom Styles or All Styles in the Stylist combo-box
- Click either the Paragraph Styles icon (first in the left on the Stylist) or the Character Styles icon (second from the left on the Stylist)
- Press F5 to display the Navigator
- The Headings tab can be expanded to navigate through the DocBook sections of the document.
1. Top-Level Elements
To import an existing Article or Chapter
In the File Open dialog select the appropriate DocBook filter (Article or Chapter) in the File Type combo-box. An existing DocBook document can then be imported to
To export an Article or Chapter
Similarly, in the File Save As dialog select the appropriate DocBook filter in the File Type combo-box.
NOTE: It is possible with the current filter to import an article and export it as a chapter, or go from chapter to article.
Creating an Article or Chapter
It is possible to create and save a new DocBook document in
- Go to File -> Open
- Select OpenOffice Text Document Template (*.stw) as the File Type
- Open the DocBookTemplate.stw (downloaded when enabling the DocBook stylesheets)
- Begin entering DocBook content as described in the sections below.
- Export the document as either a DocBook Chapter or Article
2. Meta Information
The info sections currently supported match the top-level elements: <articleinfo> and <chapterinfo>
Creating an Articleinfo
The ArticleInfo can contain the meta information about the Article, such as author details and copyright.
- The cursor should be at the top of the document
- Open the Insert Section dialog.
- Set the name of the new section to ArticleInfo and Insert
- Go to Custom Paragraph styles in the Stylist and select Document Title
- Enter the document title
- Create the Authorgroup (this is an example of using nested elements):
- Go to All Character styles in the Stylist and select Default
- Press return to create a new line and enter the first author's name
- Highlight the author's name
- In the Insert Bookmark dialog enter author_0
- Repeat the above 3 lines to create the second author's name, this time using author_1
- Create a new line above the author names
- Highlight both the names and the empty line above them
- In the Insert Bookmark dialog enter authorgroup_0
- In the File Save As dialog, export the document as a DocBook Article.
3. Nested Elements
Early in the DocBook project there were difficulties mapping nested DocBook XML elements to the internal XML format. An example of how nested tags are now supported is the menuchoice element that can contain several guimenu elements.
NOTE: This is the initial fix for the problem of nesting DocBook XML tags in The main purpose was to retain the information on a round-trip import and export of a DocBook document. It is not ideally suited to creating DocBook content in
Nesting Guimenus and Guimenuitem inside a Menuchoice
- Press return to create a new paragraph
- Go to Custom Character styles in the Stylist and select Guimenu
- Enter the Guimenu text
- Select Guimenuitem in the Stylist
- Enter the Guimenuitem text
- Highlight the Guimenu and Guimenuitem text
- In the Insert Bookmark dialog enter the text menuchoice_0 and click OK bookmarks with reserved names are used to represent the parent element when nesting tags. The convention used is to follow the element name by an underscore and a number. The first element in the document will be numbered 0 (e.g. menuchoice_0) and subsequent elements of the same type will increment this number (e.g. menuchoice_1 menuchoice_2 etc.). For another example of how to use nested tags, see Meta Information where an Authorgroup is used to contain Author's.
4. In-Line Elements
DocBook in-line elements are, in general, mapped to Custom Styles.
The following instructions show how to create a DocBook subscript element.
- Go to Custom Character styles in the Stylist and select Subscript
- Enter the subscript text
5. Sections
Initially the DocBook project used sections to enforce the nesting of DocBook sections. Feedback has shown that authors wish to use the common word processing styles such as Heading1, Heading2, etc. The following instructions describe how to create a <sect1> that contains a <sect2>
- Select All Styles in the Stylist combo-box
- Click the Paragraph Styles icon (first in the left on the Stylist)
- Double-click the Heading 1 style
- Enter the text to be the <sect1> title
- All the text below this heading will now be the content of the DocBook <sect1>
- Enter other DocBook styles, tables, etc.
- Enter other DocBook styles, tables, etc. to be included in <sect1>
- Double-click the Heading 2 style
- Enter the text to be the <sect2> title
- All the text below this heading will now be the content of the DocBook <sect2>
- Enter other DocBook styles, tables, etc. to be included in <sect2>
- This nesting of DocBook sect's using OpenOffice headings can go as far as <sect4> / Heading 4
6. Tables
Formal and Informal DocBook tables are represented by a standard tables.
Creating a Table
- Go to Insert -> Table...
- Set the table properties using the Insert Table dialog
- The table name will become the table's id
- Fill in the content of the table
- Right-click on the table, and enter the table's <title> as the Caption
An <informaltable> is constructed in the same fashion as the formal table above, the only difference is that the table Caption is not specified.
7. Lists
The various DocBook lists are represented by custom and standard list styles.
Creating a Varlist containing Varlistentrys
- Select Custom Styles in the Stylist combo-box
- Click the Paragraph Styles icon (first in the left on the Stylist)
- Double-click the VarList Term style
- Enter text to be contained in the varlist term
- Press the return key to enter text in the next varlist term
Creating an Orderedlist containing Listitems
- Toggle the numbering to on by clicking the Numbering On/Off icon
- Enter text to be contained in the listitem
- Press the return key to enter text in the next listitem
Creating an Unorderedlist containing Listitems
- Toggle the bullets to on by clicking the Bullets On/Off icon
- Enter text to be contained in the listitem
- Press the return key to enter text in the next listitem
8. Links
The different methods of linking available in DocBook are supported in
How to create a Footnote
- Format the properties of the footnote in the Insert Footnote dialog.
- Press OK and enter the footnote text at the bottom of the OOo page.
How to create a Note
- Go to Insert -> Note...
- Enter the text and click OK.
- The text will be exported as <note> <remark> your text here </remark> </note>
How to create an Xref
There is support for <xref> with a linkend attribute. If the element to be referenced does not already have an id attribute then an id can be created with an cross-reference.
Create an id attribute for a <sect1>
- Highlight the sect1 title
- Go to Insert -> Cross-reference...
- Set Type to Set Reference
- Set Name to the desired value of the id attribute
- Click Insert
- Place cursor where the <xref> is to be located
- Go to Insert -> Cross-reference...
- Set Type to Insert Reference
- From Selection choose the id for the <sect1> (this corresponds to the linkend attribute)
- Choose Reference from the Format list.
- Click Insert
Link, Ulink and Olink
The filter has round trip support for importing and exporting DocBook links.
9. Graphics
How to create a MediaObject
10. Index
How to create an Indexterm
- If the document does not already contain any DocBook sections see Sections.
- Highlight the section title
- Go to Insert -> Indexes and Tables -> Entry...
- Set Index to Alphabetical Index
- Set 1st Key to the desired content of <primary>
- Set 2nd Key to the desired content of <secondary>
- Click Insert
NOTE: After discussions with authors the decision was made to only support simplified indexterms in the future. Few authors use spanning indexterms with startofrange and endofrange values or reference elements with a zone attribute.
How to create an Index
At present it is not possible to create a DocBook index in However, the import and export filters should retain any index tags in an existing DocBook document.