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Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15



Tips ‘n’ Tricks


:: com :: sun :: star :: sdb ::

service ContentLoader
implements a loader for various datasource-related user interface components.

Usually, you don't deal with this loader directly. Instead, use an instance with the ::com::sun::star::frame::XComponentLoader interface, and pass one of the below-mentioned URLs to it.

See also
::com::sun::star::frame::XComponentLoader, ::com::sun::star::frame::Desktop

Included Services - Summary

ensures the basic functionality. (details)

Included Services - Details
ensures the basic functionality.

Supporting this service ensures that you can plug any of the components the loader can create into an arbitrary frame.

The loader should be registered for the URL scheme .component:DB/ * , the concrete URLs supported are:
  • .component:DB/DataSourceBrowser
    Using this URL creates an instance of the DataSourceBrowser service and plugs it into the frame passed to the loader.
  • .component:DB/FormGridView
    Using this URL creates an instance of the com::sun::star::sdb::ExternalSourceBrowser service and plugs it into the frame passed to the loader.
  • .component:DB/QueryDesign
    Using this URL creates an instance of the QueryDesign service and plugs it into the frame passed to the loader.
  • .component:DB/TableDesign
    Using this URL creates an instance of the TableDesign service and plugs it into the frame passed to the loader.
  • .component:DB/RelationDesign
    Using this URL creates an instance of the RelationDesign service and plugs it into the frame passed to the loader.
The parameters passed to the ::com::sun::star::frame::XFrameLoader::load() are forwarded to the object beeing created, in particular to it's ::com::sun::star::lang::XInitialization interface.

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