
The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15

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unpublished constants group PathJoinType
Determines which shape to use when joining path segments.

The joins between different paths segments can be formed out of several different shapes (which are of course only visible for strokes wider than one device pixel).

OOo 2.0.0

NONE Do not join the path segments at all.  
MITER Join the path segment by extending the outer border until they intersect.  
ROUND Join the path segment with a pie-like patch, such that the outer line of the meeting point is round.  
BEVEL Join the path segment by connecting the outer ends of the abutting segments with a straight line.  
Constants' Details
const byte NONE =0;
Do not join the path segments at all.

This join type might lead, depending on the angle between the segments, to visible cracks at the meeting points.

const byte MITER =1;
Join the path segment by extending the outer border until they intersect.
const byte ROUND =2;
Join the path segment with a pie-like patch, such that the outer line of the meeting point is round.
const byte BEVEL =3;
Join the path segment by connecting the outer ends of the abutting segments with a straight line.
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