
The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15

:: com :: sun :: star :: rendering ::

unpublished interface XParametricPolyPolygon2DFactory
Base Interfaces
┗ ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface

This interface provides factory methods to generate various ready-made XParametricPolyPolygon2Ds

Methods' Summary
createLinearHorizontalGradient Create a linear gradient. The gradient varies linearly between leftColor and rightColor in the x direction, and has constant color for fixed x coordinate value in y direction  
createAxialHorizontalGradient Create an axial gradient. The gradient has middleColor in the middle, and varies linearly between middleColor and endColor to both sides in the x direction. For fixed x coordinate, the gradient has constant color value in y direction.  
createEllipticalGradient Create an elliptical gradient. The gradient has centerColor in the middle, and varies linearly between center and endColor via concentric ellipses around the center point. Note that the absolute size of the rectangle given at this method does not matter, only it's aspect ratio: if this aspect ratio is 1, the gradient is circular. If it's not 1, the gradient is elliptical, with the special twist that the aspect ratio is maintained also for the center color: the gradient will not collapse into a single point, but become a line of center color.  
createRectangularGradient Create a rectangular gradient. The gradient has centerColor in the middle, and varies linearly between center and endColor via rectangular boxes around the center point. Note that the absolute size of the rectangle given at this method does not matter, only it's aspect ratio: if this aspect ratio is 1, the gradient is quadratic. If it's not 1, the gradient is rectangular, with the special twist that the aspect ratio is maintained also for the center color: the gradient will not collapse into a single point, but become a line of center color.  
createVerticalLinesHatch Create a line hash of vertical lines. The hashing consists of vertical lines, with colors varying linearly between leftColor and rightColor, when going from left to right  
createOrthogonalLinesHatch Create a line hash of orthogonally crossing lines. The hashing consists of vertical and horizontal lines, with colors varying linearly between leftTopColor and rightBottomColor, when going from left to right (for the vertical lines) and from top tzo bottom (for the horizontal lines).  
createThreeCrossingLinesHatch Create a repeating line hash pattern of three crossing lines. The hashing consists of vertical and horizontal lines plus diagonal lines from left, top to bottom, right. Each of the three groups of lines varies the line color of distinct lines linearly from startColor to endColor, starting at the leftmost or topmost position.  
createFourCrossingLinesHatch Create a repeating line hash pattern of four crossing lines. The hashing consists of vertical and horizontal lines plus diagonal lines in both directions. Each of the four groups of lines varies the line color of distinct lines linearly from startColor to endColor, starting at the leftmost or topmost position.  
Methods' Details
createLinearHorizontalGradient( [in] sequence< ColorComponent >  leftColor,
[in] sequence< ColorComponent >  rightColor )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

Create a linear gradient. The gradient varies linearly between leftColor and rightColor in the x direction, and has constant color for fixed x coordinate value in y direction
createAxialHorizontalGradient( [in] sequence< ColorComponent >  middleColor,
[in] sequence< ColorComponent >  endColor )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

Create an axial gradient. The gradient has middleColor in the middle, and varies linearly between middleColor and endColor to both sides in the x direction. For fixed x coordinate, the gradient has constant color value in y direction.
createEllipticalGradient( [in] sequence< ColorComponent >  centerColor,
[in] sequence< ColorComponent >  endColor,
[in] ::com::sun::star::geometry::RealRectangle2D  boundRect )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

Create an elliptical gradient. The gradient has centerColor in the middle, and varies linearly between center and endColor via concentric ellipses around the center point. Note that the absolute size of the rectangle given at this method does not matter, only it's aspect ratio: if this aspect ratio is 1, the gradient is circular. If it's not 1, the gradient is elliptical, with the special twist that the aspect ratio is maintained also for the center color: the gradient will not collapse into a single point, but become a line of center color.
createRectangularGradient( [in] sequence< ColorComponent >  centerColor,
[in] sequence< ColorComponent >  endColor,
[in] ::com::sun::star::geometry::RealRectangle2D  boundRect )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

Create a rectangular gradient. The gradient has centerColor in the middle, and varies linearly between center and endColor via rectangular boxes around the center point. Note that the absolute size of the rectangle given at this method does not matter, only it's aspect ratio: if this aspect ratio is 1, the gradient is quadratic. If it's not 1, the gradient is rectangular, with the special twist that the aspect ratio is maintained also for the center color: the gradient will not collapse into a single point, but become a line of center color.
createVerticalLinesHatch( [in] sequence< ColorComponent >  leftColor,
[in] sequence< ColorComponent >  rightColor )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

Create a line hash of vertical lines. The hashing consists of vertical lines, with colors varying linearly between leftColor and rightColor, when going from left to right
createOrthogonalLinesHatch( [in] sequence< ColorComponent >  leftTopColor,
[in] sequence< ColorComponent >  rightBottomColor )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

Create a line hash of orthogonally crossing lines. The hashing consists of vertical and horizontal lines, with colors varying linearly between leftTopColor and rightBottomColor, when going from left to right (for the vertical lines) and from top tzo bottom (for the horizontal lines).
createThreeCrossingLinesHatch( [in] sequence< ColorComponent >  startColor,
[in] sequence< ColorComponent >  endColor )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

Create a repeating line hash pattern of three crossing lines. The hashing consists of vertical and horizontal lines plus diagonal lines from left, top to bottom, right. Each of the three groups of lines varies the line color of distinct lines linearly from startColor to endColor, starting at the leftmost or topmost position.
createFourCrossingLinesHatch( [in] sequence< ColorComponent >  startColor,
[in] sequence< ColorComponent >  endColor )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

Create a repeating line hash pattern of four crossing lines. The hashing consists of vertical and horizontal lines plus diagonal lines in both directions. Each of the four groups of lines varies the line color of distinct lines linearly from startColor to endColor, starting at the leftmost or topmost position.
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