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Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15

:: com :: sun :: star :: rendering ::

unpublished interface XSpriteCanvas
Base Interfaces
      ┗ ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface

(referenced interface's summary:)
This is a specialization of the canvas interface for bitmapped canvases.
Specialization of a XBitmapCanvas, where moving, animated objects (called sprites) are supported. @attention The screen output of canvas drawing operations is undefined, unless XSpriteCanvas::updateScreen() is called. This is because a sprite canvas might choose to employ double buffering to reduce animation flicker, and cannot know the instant suitable to display the newly rendered canvas content. When using external double-buffering via XBufferController on a sprite canvas, the implementation takes care of this issue, and in this case is able to render correctly even without explicit updateScreen() calls (because there's a defined moment in time where content display can happen, namely the XBufferController::showBuffer()) call. If you don't need sprite functionality, and don't want the updateScreen hassle, simply use the XBitmapCanvas.

Methods' Summary
createSpriteFromAnimation Create a sprite object from the specified animation sequence. A sprite is a back-buffered object with its own, independent animation.  
createSpriteFromBitmaps Create a sprite object from the specified animation sequence. A sprite is a back-buffered object with its own, independent animation.  
createCustomSprite Create a custom, user-handles-it-all sprite object. A sprite is a back-buffered object with its own, independent animation.  
createClonedSprite Create a cloned version of an already existing sprite object. The cloned sprite always shows the same content as its original. Furthermore, cloned copies of a hidden original are never visible, although cloned copies of a visible original can of course be invisible.  
updateScreen Tells the sprite canvas to now update the screen representation. Required to display rendered changes to the canvas, and updates to stopped animations and XCustomSprites in general. This method will return only after the screen update is done, or earlier if an error happened.  
Methods' Details
createSpriteFromAnimation( [in] XAnimation  animation )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

Create a sprite object from the specified animation sequence. A sprite is a back-buffered object with its own, independent animation.
createSpriteFromBitmaps( [in] sequence< XBitmap >  animationBitmaps,
[in] byte  interpolationMode )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException,
VolatileContentDestroyedException );

Create a sprite object from the specified animation sequence. A sprite is a back-buffered object with its own, independent animation.
Parameter animationBitmaps
Sequence of bitmaps. The bitmaps don't need to have the same size, but they are all rendered with their left, top edges aligned.
Parameter interpolationMode
Value of InterpolationMode , to determine whether and how to interpolate between the provided bitmaps, if animation runs fast enough.
VolatileContentDestroyedException if at least one of the bitmap is volatile, and its content has been destroyed by the system.
createCustomSprite( [in] ::com::sun::star::geometry::RealSize2D  spriteSize )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

Create a custom, user-handles-it-all sprite object. A sprite is a back-buffered object with its own, independent animation.
Parameter spriteSize
The required size of the sprite in device coordinates. Everything that is rendered outside this area might be clipped on output. Both components of the size must be greater than zero.
an interface to a custom sprite object.
createClonedSprite( [in] XSprite  original )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

Create a cloned version of an already existing sprite object. The cloned sprite always shows the same content as its original. Furthermore, cloned copies of a hidden original are never visible, although cloned copies of a visible original can of course be invisible.
Parameter original
The original sprite to copy the content from. This sprite must have been created by the same XSpriteCanvas instance as this method is called on. Other sprite instances will generate an IllegalArgumentException.
an interface to a sprite object.
updateScreen( [in] boolean  bUpdateAll );

Tells the sprite canvas to now update the screen representation. Required to display rendered changes to the canvas, and updates to stopped animations and XCustomSprites in general. This method will return only after the screen update is done, or earlier if an error happened.

If double buffering is enabled via XBufferController, no explicit call of updateScreen() is necessary, since the XBufferController methods will automatically notify all associated XSpriteCanvas instances.

Parameter bUpdateAll
When true , update the whole screen. When false , implementation is permitted to restrict update to areas the canvas itself changed (e.g. because of render operations, or changes on the sprites). The former is useful for updates after window expose events. the latter for animation display.
true , if the screen update was successfully performed
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