
The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15
Back to index... CD Art - previous versions

Project: Distribution
Description: Previous CD labels and envelopes for, ready to print.
[ 3.0 labels with version designation]
[ 2.0 labels with version designation]
[ 2.0 labels without version designation]
[] 1.0 CD Art]

This page shows:
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current artwork additional artwork 3.0 official CD/DVD set by Bernhard Dippold
License: LGPL
CD Label | Paper Envelope | CD Cover | DVD Envelope
CD Label
CD Label
Source: vector graphics (SVG) [Description]
Paper Envelope
Paper Envelope
Source: vector graphics (SVG) [Description]
CD Cover
CD Cover
Source: vector graphics (SVG) [Description]
DVD Envelope
DVD Envelope
Source: vector graphics (SVG) [Description]

Description of SVG files

The SVG files can be looked at with most browsers and worked on with vector graphic programs like Inkscape. This allows you to export them in different sizes and formats (please make sure that the small wire gull lines will not be broadened during the export).

License restriction:

Although this artwork is licensed under the license above mentioned usage of the logo is restricted.
You may neither modify it nor extract it from the source or any other image.

If you want to use the logo this has to be done according to the logo license. 2.0 official set including version designation
by Christian Zwahlen

License: LGPL
CD Labels | Paper Envelopes | CD Covers | DVD Envelopes
An update to these files can be found attached to Issue 72338. They contain " 2" as version designation and fit for all versions to come before the release of 3.
As these files have not been approved by the project, they are to be considered as "additional artwork" until this decision has been made.
CD Labels
Source: vector graphics (SVG) [Description]
Source: vector graphics (SVG) [Description]
Paper Envelopes
Source: vector graphics (SVG) [Description]
Source: vector graphics (SVG) [Description]
CD Covers
Source: vector graphics (SVG) [Description]
Source: vector graphics (SVG) [Description]
DVD Envelopes
Source: vector graphics (SVG) [Description]
Source: vector graphics (SVG) [Description] 2.0 official set without version designation
by Christian Zwahlen

License: LGPL
CD Labels | Envelopes

CD Labels


Initial official set - designed for 1.0
by LeeCorbin

License: uncertain, please ask at the Art Project mailing list
CD Labels | Floppy Labels | Envelopes

CD Labels

Floppy Disk Labels


For more information on this set
please reffer to the readme.txt
file provided by the author.

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