
The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15

Language Independent Scripting Framework

Nov 2002 - The Scripting Framework has now moved to the Application Framework project. The pages you find here are kept only for historical purposes. For up to date information on the project see the current Scripting Framework home page.

This project is about enabling OpenOffice to be scripted in multiple scripting languages.. This page is to be used as a repository of information relating to this project.

A team has been put together specifically for providing a language-agnostic scripting framework for StarOffice. 

The team is in the process of defining the architecture and high level design for the scripting framework. The steps for this are:
- provide a high level architecture (Architecture Document )
- brainstorm possible user stories and compile them into a product requirements document (Product Requirements )
- analysis of major technical scripting framework issues (Functional Areas, Interactions, Behaviour )
- provide high level design and interfaces for binding, invocation, naming, storage and IDE integration (in progress)
- a number of research documents about the scripting framework issues, StarOffice areas involved and prototype are below

Comments etc. (on the mailing list) will be really appreciated.


Architecture, high level design, product requirements

Architecture Document Language Agnostic Scripting Framework high level architecture. 
Design Document New! An initial design document containing class & interaction diagrams, proposals for the file structure, suggestions for the language-specific and logical names, DTD and XML for the script deployment and registry, and links to the proposed IDL files. 
Product Requirements
Product requirements (in spreadsheet form). It contains the first cut of use cases grouped according to associated user roles, specific product requirements and rough priorities for implementation.
Functional areas, Interactions, Behaviour
Analysis of major technical scripting framework issues.

Research, prototype

Java Scripting FrameworkA document discussing some of the issues relating to a Java implementation of the Scripting Framework.
Framework Problems & Issues (Overview)
A collation of some of the main problem in the areas that need to be provided by the Scripting Framework.
Proposals for solutions
Elaborations & proposals on some of the problem areas mentioned above.

Old Documentation

Architecture Document Language Agnostic Scripting Framework architecture (deprecated).
Architecture Diagram Scripting Framework architecture diagram (PDF) (deprecated).
Services & Interfaces A very basic first attempt to define the necessary services & interfaces.

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