Conference 2005Koper - Capodistria and the areaFor all those interested in checking out what Koper - Capodistria and the surrounding area have to offer, you can check out these sites with touristic information.
Useful city maps of Koper - Capodistria
Tourism in Italy
Weather forecastingRegional forecasting observatory. It's in italian only, but it's the most accurated and I suppose you can easily understand the funny drawings ;)Updated on 13.7.2005See Travel by car below.Updated on 11.7.2005Geting from airport to Koper-CapodistriaWe have arranged for some kind of shuttle, which will take visitors from Trieste airport (Ronchi del Legionari) or Ljubljana-Brnik airport to Koper. this will cost about 10 EUR (max) per person and will take you from the airport directly to the center of Koper. It is cheaper than train and you don't have to worry about catching a bus or train or getting lost. :-) Car rentalsIf anyone is interested, a car rental company has offered some very cheap prices for renting cars to conference visitors. this would include also delivering the cars to the airport, if you wished so. If two or more of you decided to share a car, you could get off much better than using the bus services. Besides, the slovenian coast is only about 40 kilometers long, but has some very nice scenery. This would also enable you to look for accomodation outside of the city center and you could get much better prices for rooms. The car-rental company promised us to not worry you much aboutinternational driving licenses, since they have never had any problems with that. The website is still being worked on, but if you are interested in their current prices (OOoCon attendees are entitled to 10 % discount), check out We have been asked, however, that you do not make reservations through the form on the website, because you will be entitled to different prices and conditions. Anyone interested in renting a car, should send information to Travel By Airplane Trieste Airport Ronchi dei Legionari (TRS) is located 50km north of Koper - Capodistria in Italy. International Airport of Ljubljana-Brnik (LJU) is located 100km north east of Koper - Capodistria.
Travel By CarEU citizens use their regular license. Everyone else (with some exceptions) should obtain an international
drivers license. You must have your car lights on all the time. Pay attention when you cross Italy or Austria, you must have
a "high visibility warning clothing" - I don't know if it is obligatory in the other countries too. You can buy it on gas stations.
Travel By Train For train connections in Slovenia and throughout Europe check out Slovenske zeleznice. Travel By BusSAF maintains an international bus line Trieste (Italy) - Koper (SLO) SAF Autoservizi (only few information in english). Timetable of buses leaving from Trieste to Koper - Capodistria.Travel By ShipFrom Venice you could take the catamaran Prince of Venice to the nearby town Izola. From Izola you can take a local bus to Koper - Capodistria (approximately 10 km). Exchange Rate1 EUR = 240 SIT (Slovenian tolars) You should exchange your currency to SIT in one of the exchange offices - if you pay with EUR, you get approximately only 228 SIT per 1 EUR. Average Prices Pizza: 900 SIT and on = 4.5-6 EUR |
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