
The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15
OOoRunner test harness

Uses of Interface

Packages that use LogWriter

Uses of LogWriter in base

Fields in base declared as LogWriter
protected  LogWriter java_fat_service.log

Uses of LogWriter in basicrunner

Methods in basicrunner with parameters of type LogWriter
 void BasicHandler.setTestedInterface(BasicIfcTest ifc, LogWriter log)
          Set the tested interface and a log writer.
 void BasicHandler.Connect(String sBasicBridgeURL, TestParameters tParam, XMultiServiceFactory xMSF, LogWriter log)
          Establishes a connection between BASIC and Java.
protected  void BasicTestCase.cleanupTestEnvironment(TestParameters tParam, TestEnvironment tEnv, LogWriter log)
static BasicHandler BasicHandlerProvider.getHandler(TestParameters tParam, LogWriter log)
          Get a BasicHandler

Uses of LogWriter in complexlib

Fields in complexlib declared as LogWriter
protected static LogWriter ComplexTestCase.log
          Log writer

Uses of LogWriter in share

Fields in share declared as LogWriter
 LogWriter DescEntry.Logger
          Contains the LogWriter to be used by the entry-test

Uses of LogWriter in stats

Classes in stats that implement LogWriter
 class ComplexDataBaseOutProducer
 class DataBaseOutProducer
 class FatDataBaseOutProducer
 class FileLogWriter
 class InternalLogWriter
          Write all logs into a, i.e.
 class SimpleFileOutProducer
 class SimpleLogWriter
 class SimpleOutProducer

Methods in stats that return LogWriter
static LogWriter OutProducerFactory.createOutProducer(Hashtable param)
          Create an out producer.
static LogWriter OutProducerFactory.createDataBaseOutProducer(Hashtable param)
          Create a databbase out producer.
static LogWriter OutProducerFactory.createSimpleOutProducer()
          As a fallback, create a simple out producer, if all else failed.

Methods in stats with parameters of type LogWriter
protected  boolean DataBaseOutProducer.findTypeInEntryTree(DescEntry entry, LogWriter log)
          Step recursively through the entry tree: write all entries of the defined types to the database.
protected  boolean DataBaseOutProducer.insertEntry(DescEntry entry, LogWriter log)
          Insert this entrry to the database.
protected abstract  boolean DataBaseOutProducer.prepareDataBase(LogWriter log)
          Prepare the database: executed once at the beginning.
protected abstract  boolean DataBaseOutProducer.insertEntry(LogWriter log)
          Insert one entr into the database.
protected  boolean FatDataBaseOutProducer.prepareDataBase(LogWriter log)
protected  boolean FatDataBaseOutProducer.checkDataBase(LogWriter log)
protected  boolean FatDataBaseOutProducer.insertEntry(LogWriter log)
protected  boolean ComplexDataBaseOutProducer.prepareDataBase(LogWriter log)
          Prepare the database.
protected  boolean ComplexDataBaseOutProducer.insertEntry(LogWriter log)
          Insert the result of the test of an entry into the database.

OOoRunner test harness

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