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Global Functions in Global Namespace C++
in Sourcefile cipher.h
- rtl_cipher_create
- extern "C"
rtlCipher rtl_cipher_create( rtlCipherAlgorithm Algorithm, rtlCipherMode Mode );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Create a cipher handle for the given algorithm and mode.
- See Also
- rtlCipherAlgorithm
- Parameters
Algorithm cipher algorithm.
Mode cipher mode.
- Return
- Cipher handle, or 0 upon failure.
- rtl_cipher_createBF
- extern "C"
rtlCipher rtl_cipher_createBF( rtlCipherMode Mode );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Create a Blowfish cipher handle for the given mode.
- Description
- The Blowfish block cipher algorithm is specified in Bruce Schneier: Applied Cryptography, 2nd edition, ch. 14.3
- See Also
- rtl_cipher_create()
- rtl_cipher_decode
- extern "C"
rtlCipherError rtl_cipher_decode( rtlCipher Cipher, const void * pData, sal_uInt32 nDatLen, sal_uInt8 * pBuffer, sal_uInt32 nBufLen );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Decode a buffer under a given cipher algorithm.
- Precondition
- Initialized for a compatible cipher direction.
- See Also
- rtl_cipher_init()
- Parameters
Cipher cipher handle.
pData ciphertext buffer.
nDatLen ciphertext length in bytes.
pBuffer plaintext buffer.
nBufLen plaintext length in bytes.
- Return
- rtl_Cipher_E_None upon success.
- rtl_cipher_decodeBF
- extern "C"
rtlCipherError rtl_cipher_decodeBF( rtlCipher Cipher, const void * pData, sal_uInt32 nDatLen, sal_uInt8 * pBuffer, sal_uInt32 nBufLen );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Decode a buffer under the Blowfish cipher algorithm.
- See Also
- rtl_cipher_decode()
- rtl_cipher_destroy
- extern "C"
void rtl_cipher_destroy( rtlCipher Cipher );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Destroy a cipher handle.
- Parameters
Cipher cipher handle to be destroyed.
- Return
- None. Cipher handle destroyed and invalid.
- rtl_cipher_destroyBF
- extern "C"
void rtl_cipher_destroyBF( rtlCipher Cipher );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Destroy a Blowfish cipher handle.
- See Also
- rtl_cipher_destroy()
- rtl_cipher_encode
- extern "C"
rtlCipherError rtl_cipher_encode( rtlCipher Cipher, const void * pData, sal_uInt32 nDatLen, sal_uInt8 * pBuffer, sal_uInt32 nBufLen );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Encode a buffer under a given cipher algorithm.
- Precondition
- Initialized for a compatible cipher direction.
- See Also
- rtl_cipher_init()
- Parameters
Cipher cipher handle.
pData plaintext buffer.
nDatLen plaintext length in bytes.
pBuffer ciphertext buffer.
nBufLen ciphertext length in bytes.
- Return
- rtl_Cipher_E_None upon success.
- rtl_cipher_encodeBF
- extern "C"
rtlCipherError rtl_cipher_encodeBF( rtlCipher Cipher, const void * pData, sal_uInt32 nDatLen, sal_uInt8 * pBuffer, sal_uInt32 nBufLen );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Encode a buffer under the Blowfish cipher algorithm.
- See Also
- rtl_cipher_encode()
- rtl_cipher_init
- extern "C"
rtlCipherError rtl_cipher_init( rtlCipher Cipher, rtlCipherDirection Direction, const sal_uInt8 * pKeyData, sal_uInt32 nKeyLen, const sal_uInt8 * pArgData, sal_uInt32 nArgLen );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Inititialize a cipher for the given direction.
- See Also
- rtlCipherDirection
- Parameters
Cipher cipher handle.
Direction cipher direction.
pKeyData key material buffer.
nKeyLen key material length in bytes.
pArgData initialization vector buffer.
nArgLen initialization vector length in bytes.
- Return
- rtl_Cipher_E_None upon success.
- rtl_cipher_initBF
- extern "C"
rtlCipherError rtl_cipher_initBF( rtlCipher Cipher, rtlCipherDirection Direction, const sal_uInt8 * pKeyData, sal_uInt32 nKeyLen, const sal_uInt8 * pArgData, sal_uInt32 nArgLen );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Inititialize a Blowfish cipher for the given direction.
- See Also
- rtl_cipher_init()
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