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Global Functions in Global Namespace C++
in Sourcefile process.h
- rtl_getAppCommandArg
- extern "C"
oslProcessError rtl_getAppCommandArg( sal_uInt32 nArg, rtl_uString * * strCommandArg );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Get the nArg-th command-line argument passed to the main-function of this process.
- Description
- This functions differs from osl_getCommandArg() in filtering any bootstrap values given by command args, that means that all arguments starting with "-env:" will be ignored by this function.
- Parameters
nArg The number of the argument to return.
strCommandArg The string receives the nArg-th command-line argument.
- Return
- osl_Process_E_None or does not return.
- See Also
- osl_getCommandArg()
- rtl_getAppCommandArgCount
- extern "C"
sal_uInt32 rtl_getAppCommandArgCount();
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- Returns the number of command line arguments at process start.
- Description
- This functions differs from osl_getCommandArg() in filtering any bootstrap values given by command args, that means that all arguments starting with "-env:" will be ignored by this function.
- Return
- the number of commandline arguments passed to the main-function of this process.
- See Also
- osl_getCommandArgCount()
- rtl_getGlobalProcessId
- extern "C"
void rtl_getGlobalProcessId( sal_uInt8 * pTargetUUID );
- extern "C"
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES
- Summary
- gets a 16-byte fixed size identifier which is guaranteed not to change during the current process.
- Description
- The current implementation creates a 16-byte uuid without using the ethernet address of system. Thus the identifier is different from identifiers created in other processes with a very probability.
- Parameters
pTargetUUID 16 byte of memory
- See Also
- rtl_createUiid()
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