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Methods of Class DatagramSocket
- DatagramSocket
- DatagramSocket(
oslAddrFamily Family = osl_Socket_FamilyInet, oslProtocol Protocol = osl_Socket_ProtocolIp, oslSocketType Type = osl_Socket_TypeDgram );
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO
- Summary
Creates a datagram socket.
- Parameters
Type is sock_dgram by default.
- recvFrom
- sal_Int32 recvFrom(
void * pBuffer, sal_uInt32 BufferSize, SocketAddr * pSenderAddr = 0, oslSocketMsgFlag Flag = osl_Socket_MsgNormal );
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO
- Summary
Tries to receives BufferSize data from the socket, if no error occurs.
- Parameters
pSenderAddr You must provide pointer to a SocketAddr. It will be filled with the address of the datagrams sender. If pSenderAddr is 0, it is ignored.
pBuffer Points to a buffer that will be filled with the received datagram.
BufferSize The size of pBuffer.
Flag Modifier for the call. Valid values are: <ul> <li> TMsg_Normal <li> TMsg_OOB <li> TMsg_Peek <li> TMsg_DontRoute <li> TMsg_MaxIOVLen </ul>
- Return
the number of received bytes.
- sendTo
- sal_Int32 sendTo(
const SocketAddr & ReceiverAddr, const void * pBuffer, sal_uInt32 BufferSize, oslSocketMsgFlag Flag = osl_Socket_MsgNormal );
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO
- Description
Tries to send one datagram with BytesToSend data to the given ReceiverAddr. Since we only send one packet, we don't need to concern ourselfes here with incomplete sends due to packet boundaries.
- Parameters
ReceiverAddr A SocketAddr that contains the destination address for this send.
pBuffer Points to a buffer that contains the send-data.
BufferSize The number of bytes to send. pBuffer must have at least this size.
Flag Modifier for the call. Valid values are: - osl_Socket_MsgNormal - osl_Socket_MsgOOB - osl_Socket_MsgPeek - osl_Socket_MsgDontRoute - osl_Socket_MsgMaxIOVLen </ul>
- Return
the number of transfered bytes.
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