activates a concrete implementation within a component.
Parameter implementationName
The name of the implementation,
which shall be instantiated. The method
writes a list of implementation names hosted by this component.
Parameter implementationLoaderUrl
specification bug, ignore this parameter, please
pass an empty string.
Parameter locationUrl
Points to the location of the file containing
the component (for instance a .jar-file or a shared library).
This parameter
should be in an URL format (= protocol:protocol-dependent-part).
In case the string contains no
leading "protocol:", the implementation in general assumes,
that it is a relative file url.
Special loaders may define
their own protocol (for instance an executable loader may need
more than only one file url).
Parameter xKey
A registry which may be used to read static data previously
written via XImplementationLoader::writeRegistryInfo().
The use of this parameter is deprecated.
returns a factory interface, which allows to create an instance of
the concrete implementation. In general, the object supports a
and the ::com::sun::star::lang::XServiceInfo interface. The
XServiceInfo interface informs about the capabilities of the
service implementation, not the factory itself.
writes a list of all implementations hosted by this component into a registry key.
This method is called during registering a component.
Parameter xKey
The registry key, which shall be used to write for each
implementation the implementation name plus a list of supported
Parameter implementationLoaderUrl
specification bug, ignore this parameter, please
pass an empty string.
Parameter locationUrl
Points to the location of the file containing
the component (for instance a .jar-file or a shared library).
This parameter
should be in an URL format (= protocol:protocol-dependent-part).
In case the string contains no
leading "protocol:", the implementation in general assumes,
that it is a relative file url.
Special loaders may define
their own protocol (for instance an executable loader may need
more than only one file url).