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Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15

:: com :: sun :: star :: rendering ::

unpublished interface XLinePolyPolygon2D
Base Interfaces
   ┗ ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface

(referenced interface's summary:)
Generic interface for poly-polygons in 2D.
Specialized interface for a 2D poly-polygon containing only straight line segments.
OOo 2.0.0

Methods' Summary
getPoints Query subset of this poly-polygon, starting at the given polygon and the given point within that polygon, and containing the specified number of polygons and points in the last polygon.  
setPoints Set the specified sequence of points to the poly-polygon. This method can either set the whole poly-polygon to the new data, or insert the points at the given index  
getPoint Get a single point from the poly-polygon  
setPoint Set a single point on the poly-polygon. The remaining points of the poly-polygon will not be changed by this method.  
Methods' Details
sequence< sequence< ::com::sun::star::geometry::RealPoint2D > >
getPoints( [in] long  nPolygonIndex,
[in] long  nNumberOfPolygons,
[in] long  nPointIndex,
[in] long  nNumberOfPoints )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException );

Query subset of this poly-polygon, starting at the given polygon and the given point within that polygon, and containing the specified number of polygons and points in the last polygon.
Parameter nPolygonIndex
The index number of the polygon to start with extracting points. Set to 0 to start with the first polygon.
Parameter nNumberOfPolygons
The number of polygons, starting with nPolygonIndex, to extract points from. Set to -1 to extract all polygons, starting with nPolygonIndex (i.e. a total of getNumberOfPolygons() - nPolygonIndex polygons is extracted).
Parameter nPointIndex
The index of the point within the first polygon (that with the index number nPolygonIndex) to start extraction with. Set to 0 to start with the first point in this polygon.
Parameter nNumberOfPoints
The number of points in the last polygon of the extraction sequence, to be extracted. Set to -1 to extract all points from the last polygon.
setPoints( [in] sequence< sequence< ::com::sun::star::geometry::RealPoint2D > >  points,
[in] long  nPolygonIndex )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException );

Set the specified sequence of points to the poly-polygon. This method can either set the whole poly-polygon to the new data, or insert the points at the given index
Parameter nPolygonIndex
The index of the polygon to start point insertion with. This index must be in the range [0,numPolygons], and the insertion will take place before this position (i.e. when specifying 0 here, the given point sequence will precede all existing polygons already within the poly-polygon). To append to a poly-polygon, call setPoints() with XLinePolyPolygon2D::getNumberOfPolygons() as the polygon index. If nPolygonIndex is -1, the given sequence of points replaces the poly-polygon content, such that after this method completes, it contains exactly the specified point data.
com::sun::star::lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException if one of the given values exceed the permissible range.
getPoint( [in] long  nPolygonIndex,
[in] long  nPointIndex )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException );

Get a single point from the poly-polygon
setPoint( [in] ::com::sun::star::geometry::RealPoint2D  point,
[in] long  nPolygonIndex,
[in] long  nPointIndex )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException );

Set a single point on the poly-polygon. The remaining points of the poly-polygon will not be changed by this method.
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