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Methods of Class File
- File
- File(
File & );
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
- Summary
define copy c'tor and assginment operator privat
- File
- File(
const ::rtl::OUString & strPath );
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO
- Summary
- Parameters
strPath The full qualified path of the file in UNC notation. The path delimiter is '/'. Relative paths are not allowed.
- ~File
- ~File();
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO
- Summary
- close
- RC close();
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO
- Summary
Closes an open file.
- Return
E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p> E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid<p> These errorcodes can (eventually) be returned:<p> E_BADF Bad file<br> E_INTR function call was interrupted<br> E_NOLINK Link has been severed<br> E_NOSPC No space left on device<br> E_IO I/O error<p>
- setPos
- RC setPos(
sal_uInt32 uHow, sal_Int64 uPos );
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO
- Summary
Sets the internal position pointer of an open file.
- Parameters
uHow Distance to move the internal position pointer (from uPos).
uPos Absolute position from the beginning of the file.
- Return
E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p> E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid<br> E_OVERFLOW The resulting file offset would be a value which cannot be represented correctly for regular files<p>
- See Also
- open
- getPos
- RC getPos(
sal_uInt64 & uPos );
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO
- Summary
Retrieves the current position of the internal pointer of an open file.
- Parameters
pPos On Success it receives the current position of the file pointer.
- Return
E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p> E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid<br> E_OVERFLOW The resulting file offset would be a value which cannot be represented correctly for regular files<p>
- See Also
- open
- isEndOfFile
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO
- Summary
Tests if the end of a file is reached.
- Parameters
pIsEOF Points to a variable that receives the end of file status.
- Return
E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p> E_INVAL the format of the parameter was not valid<br> These errorcodes can (eventually) be returned:<p> E_INTR function call was interrupted<br> E_IO I/O error<br> E_ISDIR Is a directory<br> E_BADF Bad file<br> E_FAULT Bad address<br> E_AGAIN Operation would block<br> E_NOLINK Link has been severed<p>
- See Also
- open
- setSize
- RC setSize(
sal_uInt64 uSize );
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO
- Summary
Sets the file size of an open file. The file can be truncated or enlarged by the function. The position of the file pointer is not affeced by this function.
- Parameters
uSize New size in bytes.
- Return
E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p> E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid<br> E_OVERFLOW The resulting file offset would be a value which cannot be represented correctly for regular files<p>
- See Also
- open
- read
- RC read(
void * pBuffer, sal_uInt64 uBytesRequested, sal_uInt64 & rBytesRead );
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO
- Summary
Reads a number of bytes from a file. The internal file pointer is increased by the number of bytes read.
- Parameters
pBuffer Points to a buffer which receives data. The buffer must be large enough to hold <code>uBytesRequested</code> bytes.
uBytesRequested Number of bytes which should be retrieved.
rBytesRead On success the number of bytes which have actually been retrieved.
- Return
E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p> E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid<br> These errorcodes can (eventually) be returned:<p> E_INTR function call was interrupted<br> E_IO I/O error<br> E_ISDIR Is a directory<br> E_BADF Bad file<br> E_FAULT Bad address<br> E_AGAIN Operation would block<br> E_NOLINK Link has been severed<p>
- See Also
- open
- write
- RC write(
const void * pBuffer, sal_uInt64 uBytesToWrite, sal_uInt64 & rBytesWritten );
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO
- Summary
Writes a number of bytes to a file. The internal file pointer is increased by the number of bytes read.
- Parameters
pBuffer Points to a buffer which contains the data.
uBytesToWrite Number of bytes which should be written.
rBytesWritten On success the number of bytes which have actually been written.
- Return
E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p> E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid<br> E_FBIG File too large<br> E_DQUOT Quota exceeded<p> These errorcodes can (eventually) be returned:<p> E_AGAIN Operation would block<br> E_BADF Bad file<br> E_FAULT Bad address<br> E_INTR function call was interrupted<br> E_IO I/O error<br> E_NOLCK No record locks available<br> E_NOLINK Link has been severed<br> E_NOSPC No space left on device<br> E_NXIO No such device or address<p>
- See Also
- openFile
- readLine
- RC readLine(
::rtl::ByteSequence & aSeq );
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO
- Summary
Reads a line from given file. The new line delemeter(s) are NOT returned!
- Parameters
Handle Handle to an open file.
ppSequence a pointer to a valid sequence. Will hold the line read on return.
- Return
osl_File_E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p> osl_File_E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid<br> These errorcodes can (eventually) be returned:<p> osl_File_E_INTR function call was interrupted<br> osl_File_E_IO I/O error<br> osl_File_E_ISDIR Is a directory<br> osl_File_E_BADF Bad file<br> osl_File_E_FAULT Bad address<br> osl_File_E_AGAIN Operation would block<br> osl_File_E_NOLINK Link has been severed<p>
- See Also
- osl_openFile
- copy
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO YES YES NO
- Summary
Copies a file to a new destination. Copies only files not directories. No assumptions should be made about preserving attributes or file time.
- Parameters
strPath Full qualified UNC path of the source file.
strDestPath Full qualified UNC path of the destination file. A directory is NOT a valid destination file !
- Return
E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p> E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid<br> E_NOMEM not enough memory for allocating structures <br> E_ACCES Permission denied<br> E_PERM Operation not permitted<br> E_NAMETOOLONG File name too long<br> E_NOENT No such file or directory<br> E_ISDIR Is a directory<br> E_ROFS Read-only file system<p>
- See Also
- move
- move
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO YES YES NO
- Summary
Moves a file or directory to a new destination or renames it. File time and attributes are preserved.
- Parameters
strPath Full qualified UNC path of the source file.
strDestPath Full qualified UNC path of the destination file. An existing directory is NOT a valid destination !
- Return
E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p> E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid<br> E_NOMEM not enough memory for allocating structures <br> E_ACCES Permission denied<br> E_PERM Operation not permitted<br> E_NAMETOOLONG File name too long<br> E_NOENT No such file or directory<br> E_ROFS Read-only file system<p>
- See Also
- copy
- remove
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO YES YES NO
- Summary
Removes (erases) a regular file.
- Parameters
strPath Full qualified UNC path of the directory.
- Return
E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p> E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid<br> E_NOMEM not enough memory for allocating structures <br> E_ACCES Permission denied<br> E_PERM Operation not permitted<br> E_NAMETOOLONG File name too long<br> E_NOENT No such file or directory<br> E_ISDIR Is a directory<br> E_ROFS Read-only file system<p> These errorcodes can (eventually) be returned:<p> E_FAULT Bad address<br> E_LOOP Too many symbolic links encountered<br> E_IO I/O error<br> E_BUSY Device or resource busy<br> E_INTR function call was interrupted<br> E_LOOP Too many symbolic links encountered<br> E_MULTIHOP Multihop attempted<br> E_NOLINK Link has been severed<br> E_TXTBSY Text file busy<p>
- setAttributes
- static RC setAttributes(
const ::rtl::OUString & strPath, sal_uInt64 uAttributes );
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO YES YES NO
- Summary
Sets file-attributes
- Parameters
filePath[in] Path of the file
uAttributes[in] Attributes of the file to be set
- Return
E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p> E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid<br>
- See Also
- getStatus
- setTime
- static RC setTime(
const ::rtl::OUString & strPath, TimeValue & rCreationTime, TimeValue & rLastAccessTime, TimeValue & rLastWriteTime );
virtual abstract const volatile template static inline C-linkage NO NO NO NO NO YES YES NO
- Summary
Sets file-Time
- Parameters
filePath[in] Path of the file
aCreationTime[in] creation time of the given file
aLastAccessTime[in] time of the last access of the given file
aLastWriteTime[in] time of the last modifying of the given file
- Return
E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p> E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid<br> E_NOENT No such file or directory not found<br>
- See Also
- getStatus
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Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303 USA.