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Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15
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UINT32_UINT32_HashMap - typedef in class ::JavaVMContext
UNO_QUERY - enum value in ::com::sun::star::uno::__UnoReference_Query
UNO_REF_NO_ACQUIRE - enum value in ::com::sun::star::uno::__UnoReference_NoAcquire
UNO_REF_QUERY - enum value in ::com::sun::star::uno::__UnoReference_Query
UNO_TYPE_NO_ACQUIRE - enum value in ::com::sun::star::uno::__UnoType_NoAcquire
Unknown - enum value in ::osl::FileStatus::Type
Uri - class in namespace ::rtl
Uri - function in class ::rtl::Uri
Uri - function in class ::rtl::Uri
UserData - variable in struct ::s_Anonymous__15
UserSignal - variable in struct ::s_Anonymous__15
UserTime - variable in struct ::s_Anonymous__20
uAttributes - variable in struct ::_oslFileStatus
uAttributes - variable in struct ::_oslVolumeInfo
uFileSize - variable in struct ::_oslFileStatus
uFreeSpace - variable in struct ::_oslVolumeInfo
uMaxNameLength - variable in struct ::_oslVolumeInfo
uMaxPathLength - variable in struct ::_oslVolumeInfo
unload - function in class ::osl::Module
unmount - function in class ::osl::VolumeDevice
uno - namespace in namespace ::com::sun::star
uno_Any - typedef
uno_any_assign - function
uno_any_clear - function
uno_any_construct - function
uno_any_constructAndConvert - function
uno_any_destruct - function
uno_assignData - function
uno_bindIdToCurrentThread - function
uno_Context - struct
uno_constructData - function
uno_copyAndConvertData - function
uno_copyData - function
uno_createEnvironment - function
uno_destructData - function
uno_dumpEnvironment - function
uno_dumpEnvironmentByName - function
uno_Environment - typedef
uno_Environment - typedef
uno_Environment - typedef
uno_ExtEnvironment - typedef
uno_equalData - function
uno_getCurrentContext - function
uno_getEnvironment - function
uno_getIdOfCurrentThread - function
uno_getMapping - function
uno_getMappingByName - function
uno_getRegisteredEnvironments - function
uno_Interface - typedef
uno_Interface - typedef
uno_Mapping - typedef
uno_registerMapping - function
uno_registerMappingCallback - function
uno_releaseIdFromCurrentThread - function
uno_revokeMapping - function
uno_revokeMappingCallback - function
uno_Sequence - typedef
uno_sequence_assign - function
uno_sequence_construct - function
uno_sequence_realloc - function
uno_sequence_reference2One - function
uno_setCurrentContext - function
uno_ThreadPool - typedef
uno_threadpool_attach - function
uno_threadpool_create - function
uno_threadpool_destroy - function
uno_threadpool_detach - function
uno_threadpool_dispose - function
uno_threadpool_enter - function
uno_type_any_assign - function
uno_type_any_construct - function
uno_type_any_constructAndConvert - function
uno_type_assignData - function
uno_type_constructData - function
uno_type_copyAndConvertData - function
uno_type_copyData - function
uno_type_destructData - function
uno_type_equalData - function
uno_type_sequence_assign - function
uno_type_sequence_construct - function
uno_type_sequence_realloc - function
uno_type_sequence_reference2One - function
unusedSince - variable in struct ::_rtl_StandardModuleCount
uStructSize - variable in struct ::_oslFileStatus
uStructSize - variable in struct ::_oslVolumeInfo
ustrFileName - variable in struct ::_oslFileStatus
ustrFileSystemName - variable in struct ::_oslVolumeInfo
ustrFileURL - variable in struct ::_oslFileStatus
ustrLinkTargetURL - variable in struct ::_oslFileStatus
uTotalSpace - variable in struct ::_oslVolumeInfo
uUsedSpace - variable in struct ::_oslVolumeInfo
uValidFields - variable in struct ::_oslFileStatus
uValidFields - variable in struct ::_oslVolumeInfo
u_Anonymous__26 - union in struct ::cppu::type_entry
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