
The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15
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RC - enum in class ::osl::FileBase
REG_BUFFERSIZE_TOSMALL - enum value in ::RegError
REG_CANNOT_OPEN_FOR_READWRITE - enum value in ::RegError
REG_CREATE_KEY_FAILED - enum value in ::RegError
REG_DELETE_KEY_FAILED - enum value in ::RegError
REG_DELETE_VALUE_FAILED - enum value in ::RegError
REG_DESTROY_REGISTRY_FAILED - enum value in ::RegError
REG_DETECT_RECURSION - enum value in ::RegError
REG_INTERNAL_ERROR - enum value in ::RegError
REG_INVALID_KEY - enum value in ::RegError
REG_INVALID_KEYNAME - enum value in ::RegError
REG_INVALID_LINK - enum value in ::RegError
REG_INVALID_LINKNAME - enum value in ::RegError
REG_INVALID_LINKTARGET - enum value in ::RegError
REG_INVALID_REGISTRY - enum value in ::RegError
REG_INVALID_VALUE - enum value in ::RegError
REG_KEY_NOT_EXISTS - enum value in ::RegError
REG_KEY_NOT_OPEN - enum value in ::RegError
REG_LINKTARGET_NOT_EXIST - enum value in ::RegError
REG_MERGE_CONFLICT - enum value in ::RegError
REG_MERGE_ERROR - enum value in ::RegError
REG_NO_ERROR - enum value in ::RegError
REG_REGISTRY_NOT_EXISTS - enum value in ::RegError
REG_REGISTRY_NOT_OPEN - enum value in ::RegError
REG_REGISTRY_READONLY - enum value in ::RegError
REG_SET_VALUE_FAILED - enum value in ::RegError
REG_VALUE_NOT_EXISTS - enum value in ::RegError
Reference - class in namespace ::rtl
Reference - class in namespace ::com::sun::star::uno
Reference - function in class ::rtl::Reference
Reference - function in class ::rtl::Reference
Reference - function in class ::rtl::Reference
Reference - function in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference
Reference - function in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference
Reference - function in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference
Reference - function in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference
Reference - function in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference
Reference - function in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference
Reference - function in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference
Reference - function in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference
RegAccessMode - typedef
RegError - enum
RegHandle - typedef
Registry - class
Registry - function in class ::Registry
Registry - function in class ::Registry
Registry - function in class ::Registry
RegistryKey - class
RegistryKey - function in class ::RegistryKey
RegistryKey - function in class ::RegistryKey
RegistryKey - function in class ::RegistryKey
RegistryKeyArray - class
RegistryKeyArray - function in class ::RegistryKeyArray
RegistryKeyNames - class
RegistryKeyNames - function in class ::RegistryKeyNames
RegistryLoader - class
RegistryLoader - function in class ::RegistryLoader
RegistryTypeReader - class
RegistryTypeReader - function in class ::RegistryTypeReader
RegistryTypeReader - function in class ::RegistryTypeReader
RegistryTypeReader - function in class ::RegistryTypeReader
RegistryTypeReaderLoader - class
RegistryTypeReaderLoader - function in class ::RegistryTypeReaderLoader
RegistryTypeReader_Api - struct
RegistryTypeWriter - class
RegistryTypeWriter - function in class ::RegistryTypeWriter
RegistryTypeWriter - function in class ::RegistryTypeWriter
RegistryTypeWriter - function in class ::RegistryTypeWriter
RegistryTypeWriterLoader - class
RegistryTypeWriterLoader - function in class ::RegistryTypeWriterLoader
RegistryTypeWriter_Api - struct
RegistryValueList - class
RegistryValueList - function in class ::RegistryValueList
Registry_Api - struct
RegKeyHandle - typedef
RegKeyType - enum
Regular - enum value in ::osl::FileStatus::Type
RegValue - typedef
RegValueType - enum
Reserved - variable in struct ::_rtl_TextEncodingInfo
ResettableGuard - class in namespace ::osl
ResettableGuard - function in class ::osl::ResettableGuard
ResettableGuard - function in class ::osl::ResettableGuard
ResettableMutexGuard - typedef in namespace ::osl
Result - enum in class ::osl::Condition
RG_KEYTYPE - enum value in ::RegKeyType
RG_LINKTYPE - enum value in ::RegKeyType
RG_VALUETYPE_BINARY - enum value in ::RegValueType
RG_VALUETYPE_LONG - enum value in ::RegValueType
RG_VALUETYPE_LONGLIST - enum value in ::RegValueType
RG_VALUETYPE_NOT_DEFINED - enum value in ::RegValueType
RG_VALUETYPE_STRING - enum value in ::RegValueType
RG_VALUETYPE_STRINGLIST - enum value in ::RegValueType
RG_VALUETYPE_UNICODE - enum value in ::RegValueType
RG_VALUETYPE_UNICODELIST - enum value in ::RegValueType
RTConstValue - class
RTConstValue - function in class ::RTConstValue
RTConstValueUnion - union
RTFieldAccess - typedef
RTMethodMode - enum
RTParamMode - enum
RTReferenceType - enum
RTTypeClass - enum
RTTypeSource - enum
RTUik - struct
RTValueType - enum
RT_CORBA_IDL - enum value in ::RTTypeSource
RT_JAVA - enum value in ::RTTypeSource
RT_MODE_INVALID - enum value in ::RTMethodMode
RT_MODE_ONEWAY - enum value in ::RTMethodMode
RT_MODE_ONEWAY_CONST - enum value in ::RTMethodMode
RT_MODE_TWOWAY - enum value in ::RTMethodMode
RT_MODE_TWOWAY_CONST - enum value in ::RTMethodMode
RT_PARAM_IN - enum value in ::RTParamMode
RT_PARAM_INOUT - enum value in ::RTParamMode
RT_PARAM_INVALID - enum value in ::RTParamMode
RT_PARAM_OUT - enum value in ::RTParamMode
RT_REF_EXPORTS - enum value in ::RTReferenceType
RT_REF_INVALID - enum value in ::RTReferenceType
RT_REF_NEEDS - enum value in ::RTReferenceType
RT_REF_OBSERVES - enum value in ::RTReferenceType
RT_REF_SUPPORTS - enum value in ::RTReferenceType
RT_TYPE_BOOL - enum value in ::RTValueType
RT_TYPE_BYTE - enum value in ::RTValueType
RT_TYPE_CONSTANTS - enum value in ::RTTypeClass
RT_TYPE_DOUBLE - enum value in ::RTValueType
RT_TYPE_ENUM - enum value in ::RTTypeClass
RT_TYPE_EXCEPTION - enum value in ::RTTypeClass
RT_TYPE_FLOAT - enum value in ::RTValueType
RT_TYPE_INTERFACE - enum value in ::RTTypeClass
RT_TYPE_INT16 - enum value in ::RTValueType
RT_TYPE_INT32 - enum value in ::RTValueType
RT_TYPE_INT64 - enum value in ::RTValueType
RT_TYPE_INVALID - enum value in ::RTTypeClass
RT_TYPE_MODULE - enum value in ::RTTypeClass
RT_TYPE_NONE - enum value in ::RTValueType
RT_TYPE_OBJECT - enum value in ::RTTypeClass
RT_TYPE_SERVICE - enum value in ::RTTypeClass
RT_TYPE_SINGLETON - enum value in ::RTTypeClass
RT_TYPE_STRING - enum value in ::RTValueType
RT_TYPE_STRUCT - enum value in ::RTTypeClass
RT_TYPE_TYPEDEF - enum value in ::RTTypeClass
RT_TYPE_UINT16 - enum value in ::RTValueType
RT_TYPE_UINT32 - enum value in ::RTValueType
RT_TYPE_UINT64 - enum value in ::RTValueType
RT_TYPE_UNION - enum value in ::RTTypeClass
RT_UNO_IDL - enum value in ::RTTypeSource
rBHelper - variable in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelperBase
rBHelper - variable in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelperBase
rBHelper - variable in class ::cppu::OComponentHelper
rBHelper - variable in class ::cppu::OPropertySetHelper
rCont - variable in class ::cppu::OInterfaceIteratorHelper
read - function in class ::osl::File
read - function in class ::osl::StreamSocket
read - function in class ::osl::StreamPipe
readAt - function in class ::store::OStoreStream
readBool - function in class ::osl::Profile
readIdent - function in class ::osl::Profile
readLine - function in class ::osl::File
readString - function in class ::osl::Profile
realloc - function in class ::rtl::ByteSequence
realloc - function in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence
recv - function in class ::osl::StreamSocket
recv - function in class ::osl::StreamPipe
recvFrom - function in class ::osl::DatagramSocket
refCount - variable in struct ::_rtl_String
refCount - variable in struct ::_rtl_uString
registerLocale - function in class ::rtl::OLocale
registerLocale - function in class ::rtl::OLocale
registerThread - function in class ::JavaVMContext
reg_closeKey - function
reg_closeRegistry - function
reg_closeSubKeys - function
reg_createKey - function
reg_createLink - function
reg_createRegistry - function
reg_deleteKey - function
reg_deleteLink - function
reg_destroyRegistry - function
reg_dumpRegistry - function
reg_freeValueList - function
reg_getKeyName - function
reg_getKeyType - function
reg_getLinkTarget - function
reg_getLongListValue - function
reg_getName - function
reg_getResolvedKeyName - function
reg_getStringListValue - function
reg_getUnicodeListValue - function
reg_getValue - function
reg_getValueInfo - function
reg_isReadOnly - function
reg_loadKey - function
reg_mergeKey - function
reg_openKey - function
reg_openRegistry - function
reg_openRootKey - function
reg_openSubKeys - function
reg_saveKey - function
reg_setLongListValue - function
reg_setStringListValue - function
reg_setUnicodeListValue - function
reg_setValue - function
release - function in class ::osl::Mutex
release - function in class ::osl::Semaphore
release - function in class ::rtl::IReference
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakImplHelper1
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakAggImplHelper1
release - function in class ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper1
release - function in class ::cppu::AggImplInheritanceHelper1
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakImplHelper2
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakAggImplHelper2
release - function in class ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper2
release - function in class ::cppu::AggImplInheritanceHelper2
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakImplHelper3
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakAggImplHelper3
release - function in class ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper3
release - function in class ::cppu::AggImplInheritanceHelper3
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakImplHelper4
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakAggImplHelper4
release - function in class ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper4
release - function in class ::cppu::AggImplInheritanceHelper4
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakImplHelper5
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakAggImplHelper5
release - function in class ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper5
release - function in class ::cppu::AggImplInheritanceHelper5
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakImplHelper6
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakAggImplHelper6
release - function in class ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper6
release - function in class ::cppu::AggImplInheritanceHelper6
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakImplHelper7
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakAggImplHelper7
release - function in class ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper7
release - function in class ::cppu::AggImplInheritanceHelper7
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakImplHelper8
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakAggImplHelper8
release - function in class ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper8
release - function in class ::cppu::AggImplInheritanceHelper8
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakImplHelper9
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakAggImplHelper9
release - function in class ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper9
release - function in class ::cppu::AggImplInheritanceHelper9
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakImplHelper10
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakAggImplHelper10
release - function in class ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper10
release - function in class ::cppu::AggImplInheritanceHelper10
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakImplHelper11
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakAggImplHelper11
release - function in class ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper11
release - function in class ::cppu::AggImplInheritanceHelper11
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakImplHelper12
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakAggImplHelper12
release - function in class ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper12
release - function in class ::cppu::AggImplInheritanceHelper12
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelperBase
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelperBase
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper1
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper1
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper2
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper2
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper3
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper3
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper4
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper4
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper5
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper5
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper6
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper6
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper7
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper7
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper8
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper8
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper9
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper9
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper10
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper10
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper11
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper11
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper12
release - function in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper12
release - function in class ::cppu::OComponentHelper
release - function in class ::cppu::OWeakObject
release - function in class ::cppu::OWeakAggObject
remote_Connection - struct
remote_Context - struct
remote_DisposingListener - struct
remote_InstanceProvider - struct
remote_Interface - struct
remote_Mapping - struct
remove - function in class ::osl::File
remove - function in class ::store::OStoreFile
remove - function in class ::cppu::OInterfaceIteratorHelper
removeEntry - function in class ::osl::Profile
removeEventListener - function in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelperBase
removeEventListener - function in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelperBase
removeEventListener - function in class ::cppu::OComponentHelper
removeInterface - function in class ::cppu::OMultiTypeInterfaceContainerHelperInt32
removeInterface - function in class ::cppu::OInterfaceContainerHelper
removeInterface - function in class ::cppu::OMultiTypeInterfaceContainerHelperVar
removeInterface - function in class ::cppu::OMultiTypeInterfaceContainerHelper
removeListener - function in struct ::cppu::OBroadcastHelperVar
removePropertiesChangeListener - function in class ::cppu::OPropertySetHelper
removePropertyChangeListener - function in class ::cppu::OPropertySetHelper
removeVetoableChangeListener - function in class ::cppu::OPropertySetHelper
rename - function in class ::store::OStoreFile
replace - function in class ::rtl::OString
replace - function in class ::rtl::OUString
replaceAt - function in class ::rtl::OString
replaceAt - function in class ::rtl::OUString
reset - function in class ::osl::ResettableGuard
reset - function in class ::osl::Condition
resolveHostname - function in class ::osl::SocketAddr
result_error - enum value in ::osl::Condition::Result
result_ok - enum value in ::osl::Condition::Result
result_timeout - enum value in ::osl::Condition::Result
resume - function in class ::osl::Thread
reverseCompareTo - function in class ::rtl::OString
reverseCompareTo - function in class ::rtl::OUString
reverseCompareToAsciiL - function in class ::rtl::OUString
revokeThread - function in class ::JavaVMContext
rMutex - variable in class ::cppu::OMultiTypeInterfaceContainerHelperInt32
rMutex - variable in class ::cppu::OInterfaceContainerHelper
rMutex - variable in class ::cppu::OMultiTypeInterfaceContainerHelperVar
rMutex - variable in struct ::cppu::OBroadcastHelperVar
rMutex - variable in class ::cppu::OMultiTypeInterfaceContainerHelper
rtl - namespace
rtlBootstrapHandle - typedef
rtlCipher - typedef
rtlCipherAlgorithm - typedef
rtlCipherDirection - typedef
rtlCipherError - typedef
rtlCipherMode - typedef
rtlDigest - typedef
rtlDigestAlgorithm - typedef
rtlDigestError - typedef
rtlRandomError - typedef
rtlRandomPool - typedef
rtl_addUnloadingListener - function
rtl_allocateMemory - function
rtl_allocateZeroMemory - function
rtl_bootstrap_args_close - function
rtl_bootstrap_args_open - function
rtl_bootstrap_get - function
rtl_bootstrap_get_from_handle - function
rtl_bootstrap_get_iniName_from_handle - function
rtl_bootstrap_setIniFileName - function
rtl_byte_sequence_acquire - function
rtl_byte_sequence_assign - function
rtl_byte_sequence_construct - function
rtl_byte_sequence_constructFromArray - function
rtl_byte_sequence_constructNoDefault - function
rtl_byte_sequence_equals - function
rtl_byte_sequence_getConstArray - function
rtl_byte_sequence_getLength - function
rtl_byte_sequence_realloc - function
rtl_byte_sequence_reference2One - function
rtl_byte_sequence_release - function
rtl_Cipher_AlgorithmBF - enum value in ::__rtl_CipherAlgorithm
rtl_Cipher_AlgorithmInvalid - enum value in ::__rtl_CipherAlgorithm
rtl_Cipher_Algorithm_FORCE_EQUAL_SIZE - enum value in ::__rtl_CipherAlgorithm
rtl_Cipher_DirectionBoth - enum value in ::__rtl_CipherDirection
rtl_Cipher_DirectionDecode - enum value in ::__rtl_CipherDirection
rtl_Cipher_DirectionEncode - enum value in ::__rtl_CipherDirection
rtl_Cipher_DirectionInvalid - enum value in ::__rtl_CipherDirection
rtl_Cipher_Direction_FORCE_EQUAL_SIZE - enum value in ::__rtl_CipherDirection
rtl_Cipher_E_Algorithm - enum value in ::__rtl_CipherError
rtl_Cipher_E_Argument - enum value in ::__rtl_CipherError
rtl_Cipher_E_BufferSize - enum value in ::__rtl_CipherError
rtl_Cipher_E_Direction - enum value in ::__rtl_CipherError
rtl_Cipher_E_FORCE_EQUAL_SIZE - enum value in ::__rtl_CipherError
rtl_Cipher_E_Memory - enum value in ::__rtl_CipherError
rtl_Cipher_E_Mode - enum value in ::__rtl_CipherError
rtl_Cipher_E_None - enum value in ::__rtl_CipherError
rtl_Cipher_E_Unknown - enum value in ::__rtl_CipherError
rtl_Cipher_ModeCBC - enum value in ::__rtl_CipherMode
rtl_Cipher_ModeECB - enum value in ::__rtl_CipherMode
rtl_Cipher_ModeInvalid - enum value in ::__rtl_CipherMode
rtl_Cipher_ModeStream - enum value in ::__rtl_CipherMode
rtl_Cipher_Mode_FORCE_EQUAL_SIZE - enum value in ::__rtl_CipherMode
rtl_cipher_create - function
rtl_cipher_createBF - function
rtl_cipher_decode - function
rtl_cipher_decodeBF - function
rtl_cipher_destroy - function
rtl_cipher_destroyBF - function
rtl_cipher_encode - function
rtl_cipher_encodeBF - function
rtl_cipher_init - function
rtl_cipher_initBF - function
rtl_cmpstate - typedef
rtl_compareMemory - function
rtl_compareUuid - function
rtl_convertTextToUnicode - function
rtl_convertUnicodeToText - function
rtl_copyMemory - function
rtl_crc32 - function
rtl_createNamedUuid - function
rtl_createTextToUnicodeContext - function
rtl_createTextToUnicodeConverter - function
rtl_createUnicodeToTextContext - function
rtl_createUnicodeToTextConverter - function
rtl_createUuid - function
rtl_Digest_AlgorithmHMAC_MD5 - enum value in ::__rtl_DigestAlgorithm
rtl_Digest_AlgorithmHMAC_SHA1 - enum value in ::__rtl_DigestAlgorithm
rtl_Digest_AlgorithmInvalid - enum value in ::__rtl_DigestAlgorithm
rtl_Digest_AlgorithmMD2 - enum value in ::__rtl_DigestAlgorithm
rtl_Digest_AlgorithmMD5 - enum value in ::__rtl_DigestAlgorithm
rtl_Digest_AlgorithmSHA - enum value in ::__rtl_DigestAlgorithm
rtl_Digest_AlgorithmSHA1 - enum value in ::__rtl_DigestAlgorithm
rtl_Digest_Algorithm_FORCE_EQUAL_SIZE - enum value in ::__rtl_DigestAlgorithm
rtl_Digest_E_Algorithm - enum value in ::__rtl_DigestError
rtl_Digest_E_Argument - enum value in ::__rtl_DigestError
rtl_Digest_E_BufferSize - enum value in ::__rtl_DigestError
rtl_Digest_E_FORCE_EQUAL_SIZE - enum value in ::__rtl_DigestError
rtl_Digest_E_Memory - enum value in ::__rtl_DigestError
rtl_Digest_E_None - enum value in ::__rtl_DigestError
rtl_Digest_E_Unknown - enum value in ::__rtl_DigestError
rtl_destroyTextToUnicodeContext - function
rtl_destroyTextToUnicodeConverter - function
rtl_destroyUnicodeToTextContext - function
rtl_destroyUnicodeToTextConverter - function
rtl_digest_create - function
rtl_digest_createHMAC_MD5 - function
rtl_digest_createHMAC_SHA1 - function
rtl_digest_createMD2 - function
rtl_digest_createMD5 - function
rtl_digest_createSHA - function
rtl_digest_createSHA1 - function
rtl_digest_destroy - function
rtl_digest_destroyHMAC_MD5 - function
rtl_digest_destroyHMAC_SHA1 - function
rtl_digest_destroyMD2 - function
rtl_digest_destroyMD5 - function
rtl_digest_destroySHA - function
rtl_digest_destroySHA1 - function
rtl_digest_get - function
rtl_digest_getHMAC_MD5 - function
rtl_digest_getHMAC_SHA1 - function
rtl_digest_getMD2 - function
rtl_digest_getMD5 - function
rtl_digest_getSHA - function
rtl_digest_getSHA1 - function
rtl_digest_HMAC_MD5 - function
rtl_digest_HMAC_SHA1 - function
rtl_digest_init - function
rtl_digest_initHMAC_MD5 - function
rtl_digest_initHMAC_SHA1 - function
rtl_digest_MD2 - function
rtl_digest_MD5 - function
rtl_digest_PBKDF2 - function
rtl_digest_queryAlgorithm - function
rtl_digest_queryLength - function
rtl_digest_SHA - function
rtl_digest_SHA1 - function
rtl_digest_update - function
rtl_digest_updateHMAC_MD5 - function
rtl_digest_updateHMAC_SHA1 - function
rtl_digest_updateMD2 - function
rtl_digest_updateMD5 - function
rtl_digest_updateSHA - function
rtl_digest_updateSHA1 - function
rtl_fillMemory - function
rtl_findInMemory - function
rtl_freeMemory - function
rtl_freeZeroMemory - function
rtl_funcstate - typedef
rtl_getAppCommandArg - function
rtl_getAppCommandArgCount - function
rtl_getBestMimeCharsetFromTextEncoding - function
rtl_getBestUnixCharsetFromTextEncoding - function
rtl_getBestWindowsCharsetFromTextEncoding - function
rtl_getGlobalProcessId - function
rtl_getTextEncodingFromMimeCharset - function
rtl_getTextEncodingFromUnixCharset - function
rtl_getTextEncodingFromWindowsCharset - function
rtl_getTextEncodingInfo - function
rtl_getUriCharClass - function
rtl_Locale - typedef
rtl_locale_equals - function
rtl_locale_getCountry - function
rtl_locale_getDefault - function
rtl_locale_getLanguage - function
rtl_locale_getVariant - function
rtl_locale_hashCode - function
rtl_locale_register - function
rtl_locale_setDefault - function
rtl_logfile_trace - function
rtl_ModuleCount - typedef
rtl_moduleCount_acquire - function
rtl_moduleCount_canUnload - function
rtl_moduleCount_release - function
rtl_moveMemory - function
rtl_Random_E_Argument - enum value in ::__rtl_RandomError
rtl_Random_E_FORCE_EQUAL_SIZE - enum value in ::__rtl_RandomError
rtl_Random_E_Memory - enum value in ::__rtl_RandomError
rtl_Random_E_None - enum value in ::__rtl_RandomError
rtl_Random_E_Unknown - enum value in ::__rtl_RandomError
rtl_random_addBytes - function
rtl_random_createPool - function
rtl_random_destroyPool - function
rtl_random_getBytes - function
rtl_reallocateMemory - function
rtl_registerModuleForUnloading - function
rtl_removeUnloadingListener - function
rtl_resetTextToUnicodeContext - function
rtl_resetUnicodeToTextContext - function
rtl_StandardModuleCount - typedef
rtl_String - typedef
rtl_stringbuffer_ensureCapacity - function
rtl_stringbuffer_insert - function
rtl_stringbuffer_newFromStringBuffer - function
rtl_stringbuffer_newFromStr_WithLength - function
rtl_string_acquire - function
rtl_string_assign - function
rtl_string_getLength - function
rtl_string_getStr - function
rtl_string_getToken - function
rtl_string_new - function
rtl_string_newConcat - function
rtl_string_newFromStr - function
rtl_string_newFromString - function
rtl_string_newFromStr_WithLength - function
rtl_string_newReplace - function
rtl_string_newReplaceStrAt - function
rtl_string_newToAsciiLowerCase - function
rtl_string_newToAsciiUpperCase - function
rtl_string_newTrim - function
rtl_string_new_WithLength - function
rtl_string_release - function
rtl_string2UString - function
rtl_str_compare - function
rtl_str_compareIgnoreAsciiCase - function
rtl_str_compareIgnoreAsciiCase_WithLength - function
rtl_str_compare_WithLength - function
rtl_str_getLength - function
rtl_str_hashCode - function
rtl_str_hashCode_WithLength - function
rtl_str_indexOfChar - function
rtl_str_indexOfChar_WithLength - function
rtl_str_indexOfStr - function
rtl_str_indexOfStr_WithLength - function
rtl_str_lastIndexOfChar - function
rtl_str_lastIndexOfChar_WithLength - function
rtl_str_lastIndexOfStr - function
rtl_str_lastIndexOfStr_WithLength - function
rtl_str_replaceChar - function
rtl_str_replaceChar_WithLength - function
rtl_str_reverseCompare_WithLength - function
rtl_str_shortenedCompareIgnoreAsciiCase_WithLength - function
rtl_str_shortenedCompare_WithLength - function
rtl_str_toAsciiLowerCase - function
rtl_str_toAsciiLowerCase_WithLength - function
rtl_str_toAsciiUpperCase - function
rtl_str_toAsciiUpperCase_WithLength - function
rtl_str_toBoolean - function
rtl_str_toDouble - function
rtl_str_toFloat - function
rtl_str_toInt32 - function
rtl_str_toInt64 - function
rtl_str_trim - function
rtl_str_trim_WithLength - function
rtl_str_valueOfBoolean - function
rtl_str_valueOfChar - function
rtl_str_valueOfDouble - function
rtl_str_valueOfFloat - function
rtl_str_valueOfInt32 - function
rtl_str_valueOfInt64 - function
rtl_TestResult - typedef
rtl_TestResult_vtable - typedef
rtl_TextEncoding - typedef
rtl_TextEncodingInfo - typedef
rtl_TextToUnicodeContext - typedef
rtl_TextToUnicodeConverter - typedef
rtl_tres_create - function
rtl_tres_destroy - function
rtl_UnicodeToTextContext - typedef
rtl_UnicodeToTextConverter - typedef
rtl_UriCharClass - typedef
rtl_UriCharClassNone - enum value in ::e_Anonymous__23
rtl_UriCharClassPchar - enum value in ::e_Anonymous__23
rtl_UriCharClassRegName - enum value in ::e_Anonymous__23
rtl_UriCharClassRelSegment - enum value in ::e_Anonymous__23
rtl_UriCharClassUnoParamValue - enum value in ::e_Anonymous__23
rtl_UriCharClassUric - enum value in ::e_Anonymous__23
rtl_UriCharClassUricNoSlash - enum value in ::e_Anonymous__23
rtl_UriCharClassUserinfo - enum value in ::e_Anonymous__23
rtl_UriCharClass_FORCE_EQUAL_SIZE - enum value in ::e_Anonymous__23
rtl_UriDecodeMechanism - typedef
rtl_UriDecodeNone - enum value in ::e_Anonymous__25
rtl_UriDecodeToIuri - enum value in ::e_Anonymous__25
rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset - enum value in ::e_Anonymous__25
rtl_UriDecode_FORCE_EQUAL_SIZE - enum value in ::e_Anonymous__25
rtl_UriEncodeCheckEscapes - enum value in ::e_Anonymous__24
rtl_UriEncodeIgnoreEscapes - enum value in ::e_Anonymous__24
rtl_UriEncodeKeepEscapes - enum value in ::e_Anonymous__24
rtl_UriEncodeMechanism - typedef
rtl_UriEncode_FORCE_EQUAL_SIZE - enum value in ::e_Anonymous__24
rtl_unloadUnusedModules - function
rtl_unregisterModuleForUnloading - function
rtl_uriDecode - function
rtl_uriEncode - function
rtl_uString - typedef
rtl_uStringbuffer_ensureCapacity - function
rtl_uStringbuffer_insert - function
rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii - function
rtl_uStringbuffer_newFromStringBuffer - function
rtl_uStringbuffer_newFromStr_WithLength - function
rtl_uString_acquire - function
rtl_uString_assign - function
rtl_uString_getLength - function
rtl_uString_getStr - function
rtl_uString_getToken - function
rtl_uString_new - function
rtl_uString_newConcat - function
rtl_uString_newFromAscii - function
rtl_uString_newFromStr - function
rtl_uString_newFromString - function
rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength - function
rtl_uString_newReplace - function
rtl_uString_newReplaceStrAt - function
rtl_uString_newToAsciiLowerCase - function
rtl_uString_newToAsciiUpperCase - function
rtl_uString_newTrim - function
rtl_uString_new_WithLength - function
rtl_uString_release - function
rtl_uString2String - function
rtl_ustr_asciil_reverseCompare_WithLength - function
rtl_ustr_ascii_compare - function
rtl_ustr_ascii_compareIgnoreAsciiCase - function
rtl_ustr_ascii_compareIgnoreAsciiCase_WithLength - function
rtl_ustr_ascii_compare_WithLength - function
rtl_ustr_ascii_shortenedCompareIgnoreAsciiCase_WithLength - function
rtl_ustr_ascii_shortenedCompare_WithLength - function
rtl_ustr_compare - function
rtl_ustr_compareIgnoreAsciiCase - function
rtl_ustr_compareIgnoreAsciiCase_WithLength - function
rtl_ustr_compare_WithLength - function
rtl_ustr_getLength - function
rtl_ustr_hashCode - function
rtl_ustr_hashCode_WithLength - function
rtl_ustr_indexOfChar - function
rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength - function
rtl_ustr_indexOfStr - function
rtl_ustr_indexOfStr_WithLength - function
rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar - function
rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar_WithLength - function
rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfStr - function
rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfStr_WithLength - function
rtl_ustr_replaceChar - function
rtl_ustr_replaceChar_WithLength - function
rtl_ustr_reverseCompare_WithLength - function
rtl_ustr_shortenedCompareIgnoreAsciiCase_WithLength - function
rtl_ustr_shortenedCompare_WithLength - function
rtl_ustr_toAsciiLowerCase - function
rtl_ustr_toAsciiLowerCase_WithLength - function
rtl_ustr_toAsciiUpperCase - function
rtl_ustr_toAsciiUpperCase_WithLength - function
rtl_ustr_toBoolean - function
rtl_ustr_toDouble - function
rtl_ustr_toFloat - function
rtl_ustr_toInt32 - function
rtl_ustr_toInt64 - function
rtl_ustr_trim - function
rtl_ustr_trim_WithLength - function
rtl_ustr_valueOfBoolean - function
rtl_ustr_valueOfChar - function
rtl_ustr_valueOfDouble - function
rtl_ustr_valueOfFloat - function
rtl_ustr_valueOfInt32 - function
rtl_ustr_valueOfInt64 - function
rtl_zeroMemory - function
run - function in class ::osl::Thread
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