
The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15
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SAL_NO_ACQUIRE - enum value in ::__sal_NoAcquire
SAL_NO_COPY - enum value in ::osl::__osl_socket_NoCopy
Seconds - variable in struct ::s_Anonymous__22
Seconds - variable in struct ::_oslDateTime
Security - class in namespace ::osl
Security - function in class ::osl::Security
Semaphore - class in namespace ::osl
Semaphore - function in class ::osl::Semaphore
Sequence - class in namespace ::com::sun::star::uno
Sequence - function in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence
Sequence - function in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence
Sequence - function in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence
Sequence - function in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence
Sequence - function in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence
Signal - variable in struct ::s_Anonymous__15
Size - variable in struct ::s_Anonymous__20
Socket - class in namespace ::osl
Socket - function in class ::osl::Socket
Socket - function in class ::osl::Socket
Socket - function in class ::osl::Socket
Socket - function in class ::osl::Socket
Socket - function in class ::osl::Socket
Socket - enum value in ::osl::FileStatus::Type
SocketAddr - class in namespace ::osl
SocketAddr - function in class ::osl::SocketAddr
SocketAddr - function in class ::osl::SocketAddr
SocketAddr - function in class ::osl::SocketAddr
SocketAddr - function in class ::osl::SocketAddr
SocketAddr - function in class ::osl::SocketAddr
Special - enum value in ::osl::FileStatus::Type
StreamPipe - class in namespace ::osl
StreamPipe - function in class ::osl::StreamPipe
StreamPipe - function in class ::osl::StreamPipe
StreamPipe - function in class ::osl::StreamPipe
StreamPipe - function in class ::osl::StreamPipe
StreamPipe - function in class ::osl::StreamPipe
StreamPipe - function in class ::osl::StreamPipe
StreamSocket - class in namespace ::osl
StreamSocket - function in class ::osl::StreamSocket
StreamSocket - function in class ::osl::StreamSocket
StreamSocket - function in class ::osl::StreamSocket
StreamSocket - function in class ::osl::StreamSocket
StructSize - variable in struct ::_rtl_TextEncodingInfo
SystemTime - variable in struct ::s_Anonymous__20
sal_Bool - typedef
sal_Char - typedef
sal_Handle - typedef
sal_Int16 - typedef
sal_Int32 - typedef
sal_Int64 - typedef
sal_Int8 - typedef
sal_main - function
sal_Sequence - typedef
sal_Size - typedef
sal_sChar - typedef
sal_Unicode - typedef
sal_Unicode - typedef
sal_uChar - typedef
sal_uInt16 - typedef
sal_uInt32 - typedef
sal_uInt64 - typedef
sal_uInt8 - typedef
saveKey - function in class ::Registry
schedule - function in class ::osl::Thread
searchFileURL - function in class ::osl::FileBase
semaphore - variable in class ::osl::Semaphore
send - function in class ::osl::StreamSocket
send - function in class ::osl::StreamPipe
sendTo - function in class ::osl::DatagramSocket
set - function in class ::osl::Condition
set - function in class ::rtl::Reference
set - function in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference
set - function in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference
set - function in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference
set - function in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference
set - function in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference
set - function in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference
setAddr - function in class ::osl::SocketAddr
setAttributes - function in class ::osl::File
setCharAt - function in class ::rtl::OStringBuffer
setCharAt - function in class ::rtl::OUStringBuffer
setCurrentContext - function in namespace ::com::sun::star::uno
setData - function in class ::osl::ThreadData
setDefault - function in class ::rtl::OLocale
setDelegator - function in class ::cppu::OWeakAggObject
setDoku - function in class ::RegistryTypeWriter
setExcData - function in class ::RegistryTypeWriter
setFastPropertyValue - function in class ::cppu::OPropertySetHelper
setFastPropertyValues - function in class ::cppu::OPropertySetHelper
setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast - function in class ::cppu::OPropertySetHelper
setFieldData - function in class ::RegistryTypeWriter
setFileName - function in class ::RegistryTypeWriter
setHostname - function in class ::osl::SocketAddr
setIniFilename - function in class ::rtl::Bootstrap
setKeyHandles - function in class ::RegistryKeyArray
setKeyNames - function in class ::RegistryKeyNames
setLength - function in class ::rtl::OStringBuffer
setLength - function in class ::rtl::OUStringBuffer
setLongListValue - function in class ::RegistryKey
setMethodData - function in class ::RegistryTypeWriter
setOption - function in class ::osl::Socket
setOption - function in class ::osl::Socket
setParamData - function in class ::RegistryTypeWriter
setPort - function in class ::osl::SocketAddr
setPos - function in class ::osl::File
setPriority - function in class ::osl::Thread
setPropertyValue - function in class ::cppu::OPropertySetHelper
setPropertyValues - function in class ::cppu::OPropertySetHelper
setReferenceData - function in class ::RegistryTypeWriter
setRegistry - function in class ::RegistryKey
setSize - function in class ::osl::File
setSize - function in class ::store::OStoreStream
setStringListValue - function in class ::RegistryKey
setTime - function in class ::osl::File
setUik - function in class ::RegistryTypeWriter
setUnicodeListValue - function in class ::RegistryKey
setValue - function in class ::RegistryKey
setValue - function in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Any
setValue - function in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Any
setValue - function in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Any
setValueList - function in class ::RegistryValueList
shutdown - function in class ::osl::Socket
star - namespace in namespace ::com::sun
start - variable in struct ::_rtl_TestResult_vtable
stat - variable in struct ::_rtl_TestResult_vtable
state - function in class ::rtl::TestResult
state_ - variable in struct ::_rtl_TestResult_vtable
stop - variable in struct ::_rtl_TestResult_vtable
store - namespace
storeAccessMode - typedef
storeDirectoryHandle - typedef
storeError - typedef
storeFileHandle - typedef
storeFindData - typedef
storeHandle - typedef
storeStreamHandle - typedef
store_AccessCreate - enum value in ::__store_AccessMode
store_AccessReadCreate - enum value in ::__store_AccessMode
store_AccessReadOnly - enum value in ::__store_AccessMode
store_AccessReadWrite - enum value in ::__store_AccessMode
store_Access_FORCE_EQUAL_SIZE - enum value in ::__store_AccessMode
store_acquireHandle - function
store_attrib - function
store_closeDirectory - function
store_closeFile - function
store_closeStream - function
store_createMemoryFile - function
store_E_AccessViolation - enum value in ::__store_Error
store_E_AlreadyExists - enum value in ::__store_Error
store_E_CantRead - enum value in ::__store_Error
store_E_CantSeek - enum value in ::__store_Error
store_E_CantWrite - enum value in ::__store_Error
store_E_FORCE_EQUAL_SIZE - enum value in ::__store_Error
store_E_InvalidAccess - enum value in ::__store_Error
store_E_InvalidChecksum - enum value in ::__store_Error
store_E_InvalidHandle - enum value in ::__store_Error
store_E_InvalidParameter - enum value in ::__store_Error
store_E_LockingViolation - enum value in ::__store_Error
store_E_NameTooLong - enum value in ::__store_Error
store_E_NoMoreFiles - enum value in ::__store_Error
store_E_None - enum value in ::__store_Error
store_E_NotDirectory - enum value in ::__store_Error
store_E_NotExists - enum value in ::__store_Error
store_E_NotFile - enum value in ::__store_Error
store_E_OutOfMemory - enum value in ::__store_Error
store_E_OutOfSpace - enum value in ::__store_Error
store_E_Pending - enum value in ::__store_Error
store_E_Unknown - enum value in ::__store_Error
store_E_WrongFormat - enum value in ::__store_Error
store_E_WrongVersion - enum value in ::__store_Error
store_findFirst - function
store_findNext - function
store_flushFile - function
store_flushStream - function
store_getFileRefererCount - function
store_getFileSize - function
store_getStreamSize - function
store_link - function
store_openDirectory - function
store_openFile - function
store_openStream - function
store_readStream - function
store_rebuildFile - function
store_releaseHandle - function
store_remove - function
store_rename - function
store_setStreamSize - function
store_symlink - function
store_writeStream - function
sun - namespace in namespace ::com
suspend - function in class ::osl::Thread
symlink - function in class ::store::OStoreFile
s_Anonymous__15 - struct
s_Anonymous__20 - struct
s_Anonymous__22 - struct
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::ImplHelper1
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakImplHelper1
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakAggImplHelper1
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper1
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::AggImplInheritanceHelper1
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::ImplHelper2
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakImplHelper2
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakAggImplHelper2
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper2
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::AggImplInheritanceHelper2
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::ImplHelper3
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakImplHelper3
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakAggImplHelper3
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper3
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::AggImplInheritanceHelper3
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::ImplHelper4
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakImplHelper4
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakAggImplHelper4
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper4
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::AggImplInheritanceHelper4
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::ImplHelper5
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakImplHelper5
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakAggImplHelper5
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper5
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::AggImplInheritanceHelper5
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::ImplHelper6
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakImplHelper6
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakAggImplHelper6
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper6
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::AggImplInheritanceHelper6
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::ImplHelper7
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakImplHelper7
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakAggImplHelper7
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper7
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::AggImplInheritanceHelper7
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::ImplHelper8
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakImplHelper8
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakAggImplHelper8
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper8
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::AggImplInheritanceHelper8
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::ImplHelper9
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakImplHelper9
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakAggImplHelper9
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper9
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::AggImplInheritanceHelper9
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::ImplHelper10
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakImplHelper10
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakAggImplHelper10
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper10
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::AggImplInheritanceHelper10
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::ImplHelper11
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakImplHelper11
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakAggImplHelper11
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper11
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::AggImplInheritanceHelper11
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::ImplHelper12
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakImplHelper12
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakAggImplHelper12
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper12
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::AggImplInheritanceHelper12
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper1
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper1
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper2
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper2
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper3
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper3
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper4
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper4
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper5
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper5
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper6
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper6
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper7
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper7
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper8
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper8
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper9
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper9
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper10
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper10
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper11
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper11
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper12
s_cd - variable in class ::cppu::WeakAggComponentImplHelper12
s_pType - variable in class ::Array
s_pType - variable in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence
s_pType_com_sun_star_uno_Sequence_Char - variable
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